Monday, June 24, 2024

As I work my way towards research again

 A great deal of time for thinking and I am remembering the first colour television in our house (I think I was about twelve years of age). I had dreadful migraines watching the television so stopped and would just listen when I wanted to hear the news or something like that but basically I did not watch colour television for quite a long time. I was trying to remember clearly why the television bothered me and I do remember now it was the colours flashing about on the screen. So I am working on my microsoft solitaire games very slowly to get used to that aspect of seeing. In nature colours do not flash at you but rather it is just the soft glow of natural light in particular wave lengths entering into your eye and it is easy to look at. But one doesn't look at the sun for a reason; it will burn out the retina. So I must get my eyes used to the flashing light once again coming from the computer and I am taking that very gradually just a few minutes and I am up to fifteen minutes successfully now. Will continue to build on that. 

It wasn't really until our oldest was little that I sat and watched television - The Polka Dot Door was one of her favourites and I would sit with her while she watched that and gradually built up a larger tolerance for flashing colours. That will strengthen my eyes for my research I think. It will take all of the two months plus that I have allotted to that for sure. 

Church on YouTube was at St Thomas Hospital in London although I think it is primarily in Southwark just south of the Thames River near Waterloo Station as I recall. A huge complex in that also mega city. The service was interesting interviewing care givers and particularly comments about care during the COVID 19 Pandemic where Edward became much more housebound and having more and more difficulty getting around. I could not persuade him to walk around the house as I did doing 14,000 and more steps a day. One needed to stay very active even if one couldn't go out. He was bothered by a hernia not yet operated on; he decided to just wear a support although I tried to persuade him to have the operation so that he would be more mobile. However, he was perhaps just too worn down by his illnesses I guess in retrospect. But certainly care givers found COVID 19 to be very difficult to manage. The hymns were some of my favourites and greatly enjoyed. I am missing being in Church for sure and perhaps when we move there will be an Anglican Church nearby. We will see. 

Cleaning day today and it is the basement first. Soon the basement will be emptier still considering just a couple of years ago there were just a couple of aisles with racks in rows and all kinds of equipment now given away to family, to the Tool Library, the neighbours and put out at the street and carried away. I haven't missed one of the things that we gave away and the basement is considerably emptier although still too much to take to a smaller house I think as I do like open spaces. 

Breakfast first and then Latin.

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