Sunday, June 2, 2024

At day six and nearly a week since the cataract surgery

 Day six after Cataract Surgery and the day was full of realizing that depth of vision was all around me and did consume my thoughts and vision on a number of occasions. The books in the shelf became so obviously not in perfect alignment as they are all different shapes and sizes. Everything has a depth now and it is delightful and distracting to be honest. My mind wants to get back to work and my muscles very anxious to be running once again but still I persevere on this track of recovery that involves no aerobic exercise yet. A light jog starting in a couple of days; begin with five minutes maybe we will see. 

Still getting some latin done and no longer in the Demotion Zone; today is the day for that so must try to get in a few twenty minute sessions through the day. Latin is quite a fascinating language I have discovered in my old age. I started it to improve my readability/transcription of old documents but it truly has taken on a life of its own. I was a math/science student with language being the necessity rather than an enjoyed subject matter. But language definitely has its place and perhaps more so when you are older. 

Time for breakfast; up early and a busy day ahead mostly of walking!

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