Friday, June 28, 2024

Cleaned the sides of the laneway

Success, I finally achieved a complete project. I cleaned away the weeds from the bricks along the tarmac of the laneway. I am not sure (since I am last apparently) whether or not there will be a fresh coat of oil/fill on the laneway but I have cleared away the weeds and will do the rest of the bricks another day. I also swept the laneway. I was pleased with the result and it was pleasant to be out in the fresh air. The day before I cleared the overgrowth from our front garden along the laneway side of the neighbour to our right. I like to keep that down and also cleared away the plants that had extended too close to the gas meter and that is  now clear for reading if necessary. I like to keep everything thinned out especially close to the house. I do believe Edward was right about that as rodents do not like to be exposed in open areas because of the hawks. The hawks are ever vigilant! Lots of work to do and gradually I recover from my cataract surgeries. There is some recovery time needed for sure even if you are otherwise healthy when you are nearly 80. 

Downsizing is really the next item on the calendar and I will get 1-800 got junk come to get my list of seven items. We will end up with at least one empty room which is good since when we move we will likely be on one floor with less rooms. The basement will be so much emptier with all this downsizing. Just the racks that are full of items and I will keep reviewing them to see if I need them. It would be nice to paint the basement floor and will think about that. It was painted but that is wearing off now after 46 years. 

My mind wants to get back to my book writing and that will happen in the early fall but at the moment I will stick to my Latin on duolingo and soon I will continue with my French language although I do read it well but speak it poorly now so thought I would try to improve on that. Plus I will be looking at French records once again when I return to my son-in-law's families. Likely I should write that up just for the family. I do want to do my missed newsletter and work on the next Blake newsletter technically due on the 1st of July but since I am the editor and publisher that is at my own time. 

Interesting the article showing that Israel has been permitting sufficient food aid to come into Gaza. I did always think that likely as they have been kind and generous to the Palestinian population there even bringing them into their hospitals for care. Hamas is the problem; they decide to commit genocide against the Jewish people all over the world not just Israel - a very sick terrorist group for sure along with Hezbollah and the Houthis all funded by Iran. Russia continues to kill people in Ukraine and doesn't have the good sense to return to their own borders established by the United Nations in the 1990s. Disgusting that Russia forces their young men to die on foreign battle fields. 

On to the day, more downsizing and lots of walking for sure. Perhaps a little running today as it is now two weeks since my last surgery. Breakfast and then Latin. 

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