Friday, June 14, 2024

Day 18 after first cataract surgery and second surgery completed

A long day but all done now for surgeries. Short posts for a few days as my eyes continue to recover. Again the care at the Riverside was absolutely perfect. Very organized and efficient. I do appreciate the great care that our medical profession brings to their work. 

My surgeon has my great thanks for being able to work around the times that I can have 100% help with my care. Surprisingly I could immediately see out of this newly operated eye but it is hazy so we begin the task of moving that one back into focus. The ability to purchase the eye drops so easily at the pharmacy at the Riverside is really an asset as well (that is true of all of the campuses actually). The drug stores are handy of course but I do not have any prescription drugs other than these eye drops for my care at the moment. I am very lucky to have such good health. 

I will be so happy to get back to running but continued patience as that will come in another month to six weeks. 

Tired tonight and off to bed early.

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