Sunday, June 23, 2024

I am left to wonder

 Was it just chance that this surgeon chose the weaker eye to do first giving me my introduction to depth of vision at 78 years of age? It was great luck for sure. One never knows what one is missing perhaps but on the other hand I developed an enormous memory for places and space intervals which broadened my thinking from early childhood so the gain in memory size is interesting for sure since I didn't have depth of vision anyway and did not know what I was missing. Amazing though being able to look out the window and clearly see everything - a gift in one's old age for sure.

Watched the rat/mouse eating the food that had spilled out of their feeders next door early this morning and after dusk last night. Haven't come into this yard again. Probably afraid of the grey squirrels. I am convinced that they are escaped/abandoned pets just by their behaviour. 

Yesterday worked on my Latin and new words have been introduced into the practice sessions so added them to my word list. Eventually they should turn up in the new lessons when I start into them once again. The review has been great actually and cemented more things into my brain. I am enjoying learning Latin for sure and would like to get back to French once again and perhaps I shall over the next couple of weeks as my periods of time at the computer increase. 

Again Salvation Army has received a pile of Queen sized bed sheets/pillow cases (barely used as my husband found microfibre sheets and preferred them) plus flannelette and a comforter. The linen closet is now usable without being stuffed full. Gradually we are downsizing so that we can move into a smaller space. The next thing is to get 1-800-gotjunk to come and collect the Queen Bed, wooden fireplace heater, a couple of lounge seats (large), a storage tent in a box (6x6x8 I think) and a few other items. Each time it shrinks all of that stuff that was accumulated over a 54.5 year marriage. I have basically bought nothing but I have to admit I am not a shopper and Edward bought all of these items and pretty much everything in the house. Once I went back to work outside the home I never really shopped until I retired. Rare occasions when I needed a new suit or something like that for work - shoes, presents for family saw me in the stores but otherwise I just stayed home and let my husband and children go off and spent his money and my money. It was most relaxing. I do feel lazy on occasion as I meandered through life but I was quite a while recovering from my breakdown and I just simply never wanted to repeat that process if avoidable. So I rested whenever I was tired and eight hours of work was and is tiring since I still put in those types of hours when I am writing. 

Sunday, God's day, and one would wish for peace all over the world. A world where children can grow up and attain everything that is promised for them by their very nature becoming efficient and productive members of society.  That would be God's choice I am sure. Today Anglican Church on YouTube once again for the Fourth Sunday after Trinity (Ordinary time) and the theme "Carers go the extra mile" and I thank my daughter once again for all her care during my recovery from cataract surgery. After today the number of drops will diminish with just three a day in the first operated eye 6 am (2 different drops) and 6 pm (1 drop). It will be four weeks tomorrow since the first operation. The other eye the swelling is lasting just a little longer so will keep up the twelve drops a day for another day and then decrease to ten drops a day starting tomorrow for a couple of days and then down to nine drops a day for a couple of days until Friday when it will go to eight drops a day. Amazing really how time flies. 

Rain last night and it was very needed  and more heavy rain during the day today. It is raining now. The sunflowers are literally shooting up every day now and we enjoyed our first entire salad from the garden with the exception of the extras like Feta cheese and lemon sauce. God's tears for a world torn apart by war created by the terrorists Russia and Hamas, Hezbollah, Youthis and Iran as their supplier. How ignorant of them.

Breakfast, drops all completed for the first of the four sessions in the day, and then Latin.

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