Saturday, June 1, 2024

It is somewhat distracting this depth of vision

 It is somewhat distracting this depth of vision as I travel about the house and look at pictures or even looking outside. The backyard is not quite as deep as I thought; it is still fairly deep but perhaps 1/4 less. A little amusement for me in my old age I guess. 

It is probably good that such things get corrected early now but on the other hand I do enjoy my memory and the ability to store up vasts amounts of information making it easy to find things. However, computers have come into that field quite nicely as well. But I still think that it is important for children to develop as large a memory as they are able. The drawback to information at your fingertips is the possibility that one does not develop a very large memory. It puts too much reliance on a computer world where evil actors will produce items that are there just to mislead or deceive. 

Off the computer. I restrict myself to just a short time every couple of hours. Looking forward to new glasses as these are nearly 3.5 years old and I generally replace them every two years whether the prescription changes or not. I find the plastic loose their sharpness after a period of time as compared to glass lenses but they are lighter and unbreakable although I was probably the last person on the planet to switch from glass to plastic! I would say I am starting to get a little effect by this operated eye working on reading letters. The reading glasses are too strong now and I can pretty much read with my distance glasses unless it is really small. Interesting really.

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