Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Nine Days past Cataract Surgery

Yesterday was the larger cleaning day so I donned my face mask and googles and vacuumed. Took my time but managed to get the vacuuming done in fairly good time. Noticed some new items that had not yet shown up with my new depth of vision. Interesting really and a bit of a fascination in my old age. Having lived through my life sensing depth by logic, or touch or just knowledge of size of items actually seeing it is tantalizing. It is good that for the most part strabismus is corrected in children at a young age now. Doing surgery as I had does seem extreme on a small child but we do help young children with heart surgeries and others these days. 

It is interesting that I probably know when my depth of vision "shut off" so to speak. My mother used to say when I was just very young (like a few months only) I used to cry whenever my father wore this housecoat that was striped with bright colours (I do not remember it). When the depth of vision was starting to return the light around everything was very very strong almost blinding but it resolved after a night's sleep and I could suddenly see things I had never been able to see before in terms of depth of vision. Amazing really. 

Today the basement cleaning day but the robot will do the work there for the most part and the floor is wet mopped so less danger of creating dust in the air. Not sure how long one is cautious but it doesn't take that much time to be careful. 

I do not yet know if the surgeon (office) has changed my date from the later one so my next surgery is either a little over one week away or a little over two weeks away. I found myself thinking yesterday though as much fun as all this depth of vision is having the two eyes done at the same time is still a rather appealing thought as it is just all over in a month then for recovery but the system was designed to be optimal and fair and so I have two surgeries. 

Still not doing any work just a little computer time mostly my latin classes although I am not doing any new classes just review which has proven to be a real bonus as I am really acquiring a large vocabulary and maintaining it. A lot of that vocabulary will not appear in wills but the tenses, the declensions are becoming more and more familiar to me. Plus I have a lot of old documents in Latin that are not wills but rather different types of documents.

India has had their election and will return the same Prime Minister although he will have to obtain alliances to keep his majority in the house. A huge nation India with the largest population in the world and their economy equally large. 

Breakfast is next and I am definitely hungry. Then Latin. 

God's world is beautiful today; the birds already at the feeder enjoying their morning breakfast as well. Would that peace could come to our world but it will take the concerted effort of everyone to bring that about. Jealousy, Greed, Envy, Deceit, Hatred have emerged again to destroy the tentative peace created by the United Nations after the Second World War. The United Nations must remain neutral itself as an organization; they can do great damage when they are not neutral. There always needs to be a place of discussion. Thank you God for the beauty of the day, the song of the birds and the life that flows and ebbs on this planet. We are but one species and facing Climate Change; will we be smart about it or disappear like Homo neanderthalensis? Although our gene pool holds some Neanderthal gene as a people they are gone forever. Homo sapiens survived then but they must have worked together in the Ice Refuges and then went out into the world once again and here we are faced once again by Climate Change which we created. 

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