Wednesday, June 26, 2024

One day at a time

Doing one day at a time as I wait for the two months to pass. I could do gardening and I would be wearing my sunglasses. I will probably do that but not a favourite thing; more of a must thing. Probably I do not understand people's desire for thick foliage in one's yard when you can have a flat lawn but that is everyone's business so long as I am not being involved.

Answering my email probably better than usual but not accomplishing anything really; avoiding straining my eyes. There are tiny red lines in both eyes although more in the last operated eye. That generally tells me that I am doing too much work with my eyes and they need to rest. As I can do more exercise it will make the days easier for sure. I would go kayaking but there is always a danger of my falling in and I can not go swimming with my eyes for a while yet. But I can walk and today adding in more biking and perhaps a quick run not too long. So I am resorting to thinking a lot about the research to come and that is time well spent. I do have some thoughts on the flow. Plus I can work at my Latin in short intervals which I decided would probably be the prime use of my time until I can do more work. It is working well and I started into the new section with a new lesson. I have now learned 350 Latin words (and their declensions which brings me to 498). That is actually rather neat and I will do review today and a new lesson tomorrow. The days pass quickly as I am nearly at two weeks since the last surgery. I am contemplating going to the mall close to here to check in with the other optometrists there as I used to go to one of them before the last group that I went to and technically have an appointment with at the end of August. I would really like the beginning of August. One idea for tomorrow along with going to the drug store there to stock up on essentials like tooth paste. 

As of tomorrow after the 6:00 a.m. drops I am down to just two drops four times a day in my newly operated eye and one (once a day for three days) in the first operated eye. Then on Sunday I am only putting drops in the newly operated eye and down to two drops a day for one and four drops a day for the other. That will last for two weeks and then I will do a gradual decrease from two to one for three days and from four to two for three days and two to one for three days. I will then be finished eye drops which will be very nice. The feeling of swelling is still there a tiny bit in the newly operated eye but diminishing each day and actually gone by the end of the day returning in the morning but less each day. 

Enough computer time and on to the day. Breakfast already completed and I need to trim some bushes for fresh air first thing in the morning.


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