Saturday, June 15, 2024

Perhaps the most difficult thing is five eye drops to give

 A tribute to my daughter as she painstaking gives me five eye drops now every six hours. The overlap of nine days will mean that mostly we do eye drops and the day will pass quickly. Up early this morning and both eyes are clear but the newly operated eye is sorer than the first eye (the cataract was large in the first eye so perhaps was larger still in the eye I actually used most of the time as the other did not do any work particularly. However, it continues to be that my distance glasses are more than adequate to read with now even this small print on blogger. Amazing really after 56 years of bifocals/reading glasses. I will do the noon shift so that she can have a break on my one eye but the newly operated eye needs special care now for the first 48 hours and then the usual good care. 

Not too much writing this morning. Breakfast is next.

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