Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday in God's World

 Another beautiful Sunday in God's World. Church Service today is at Glastonbury which we visited on one of our tours of England. I had heard of Glastonbury since I was a very young child as it was said that Joseph of Arimathea had taken the Holy Grail to Glastonbury after the death of Jesus and brought the love of Jesus Christ to England. That the Celtic Churches in England had become Christian long before Augustine was sent to England by the Roman Emperor has historical references such as the Council of Arles in 314 which was attended by three Christian Celtic bishops from England. With the withdrawal of the Roman legions and the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons parts of southern England was once again pagan in those areas where the Anglo-Saxons settled. But the Church of England itself traces its history back far into the past to the Christian Celtic Church and even further back to those early ancients who celebrated God from time immemorial according to my grandfather. But I was just a child of eight when he died and the glimpses he gave me into the deep past were from his own memories and he was the same age then  as I am now. Since I have a good memory I suspect he did as well and I believed everything he told me although did wonder about the little people and ghosts for sure. 

Today the wind is quiet; barely a movement of leaves. We will try today to put out a small amount of food for the birds that still fly by to check and see if there is food. It has been sad not to see them out the window in the yard but still they fly by on occasion and give us joy in their freedom and happiness. It is a busy time now as they teach their children to eat and to fly well and to protect themselves. The basics of life that every being has passed down to their offspring from their beginnings. 

Thank you God for another beautiful day in this world. Prayers for peace as always. Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis continue to put the Palestinians constantly in danger. They make it difficult for the food to be delivered to those in need but likely have lots of food themselves. Their hatred and threat against the Jewish people is unconscionable. Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis along with their supplier Iran both in hatred and war materials are evil. 

Worked yesterday for a while and my eyes stood up very well. I did check out some of the early manuscripts that I want to translate and it looks like they did a couple of years ago before my cataracts started to rob me of my clear sight. It is a creeping thing the loss of resolution of sight and one doesn't really notice it until one eye is operated on and you can see that the other eye has less ability to distinguish letters and the copy is quite yellow - amazing really. 

Breakfast next but first the warrior pose in Yoga and one of these days back to Jumping Jacks. I do miss them as the combination does wake up the brain for sure! Latin and then Church.

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