Friday, June 7, 2024

Surprisingly I haven't used my reading glasses since my surgery just my distance glasses

I am surprised not to use my reading glasses since the surgery. Occasionally the print is small but I just pull out my magnifying glass. I do like wearing glasses though; I never get things in my eyes which is the case my entire life as I practically never go without glasses and have worn them since I was one year of age. But I am not doing transcription or any extraction of material from databases. That is all sitting and waiting for me to return to it in about two months time. I hope to get my new glasses in early August. It will be almost four years since I bought new glasses. I did have a prescription for new glasses after my appointment in January 2023 but never filled it since I was supposed to have cataract surgery but it has been until now that I finally had the first cataract surgery. My glasses were already two years old in January 2023. I do really prefer to get new glasses every two years whether there are any changes or not as I do feel that the plastic lenses are affected by heavy usage (I wear them fifteen hours a day minimum) and washing (wash them twice a day). I am not sure that I will even need bifocals as these present distance glasses do not have a bifocal portion. I opted for the reading glasses this last time that I purchased as separate glasses. Time will tell. The printing is actually sharper in the operated eye and I could not actually read even the big letters on the chart the last time that they were checked. When I was young I could generally read the top two rows with one eye and pretty much the entire chart with the other minus the last two lines. 

Friday again and it has come very quickly. I thought that I might hear about any change in my date for surgery since it is now eleven days since the Surgeon mentioned that his secretary/assistant would call but I did send the email verifying that I could come one week earlier for the surgery since he had a cancellation as I did have someone to pick me up. The office kindly replied that they have passed it on to the Surgeon's assistant/receptionist. I could call the booking clerk and see if there are any changes in my booking schedule I guess but the hospital will call me to tell me the time to arrive and I am not going anywhere; my phone is with me 100% of the time. But on the other hand I need to stop taking my ASA four days before so must call (the ASA controls my ocular migraines and once the surgeries are over I will visit my Family doctor and review that and see if I can eliminate the need for ASA). I always hate to tie up lines but the surgery has been moved up so that is great and I have my answer. Plus one week earlier to get new glasses in a month to six weeks which is great news.

Biked ten minutes yesterday, walked 12,000 steps plus and jogged for ten minutes. Exercise coming back until surgery time and then wait again for ten days just walking every day. It will be nice to be finished and back to my regular day of exercise and work. But the respite has been a sort of holiday. Plus we were gardening a lot. 

There is a wind in the trees that tells me God is here watching and waiting for the world to be a better place for everyone. For all the Envy, Deceit, Jealousy, Greed, Hatred to disappear from the world. To follow the commandments loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and loving our neighbour as ourself. When we do that, we will have peace. 

Breakfast and then Latin

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