Sunday, June 9, 2024

The 13th day after Cataract Surgery

Yesterday was a quiet day and I greatly enjoyed it. Sometimes life can become a bit hectic even when you do not really go anywhere or do anything. I am still quite captured by the news and do try to keep up on that as well. Such good news that four more hostages are home in Israel; sad that death was part of that but the International Court of Justice stated that the hostages were to be released unconditionally and immediately nearly five months ago now. Hamas is the problem as always; they created this entire situation and do nothing to try to solve it. 

One must say it is interesting that Russia complains about non-Ukrainian war tools and their training personnel  in Ukraine firing at Russia but what about Iranian drones and their technicians being used by Russia to fire at locations all around Ukraine from the beginning of this war almost? Russia like Hamas (both terrorists) are the problems in our world. 

The eyes continue to improve and the operated eye continues to exert dominancy over the unoperated eye. I wonder what will happen once the other eye is operated on. A fascinating experiment all on my own eyes! I do so love science and the look into the unknown.

I try not to be boastful and always correct myself if that happens. One should avoid being boastful as it not fair to people who are struggling. Somewhat like wasting food as a child whilst other children are starving; it is not a good human trait being boastful. Today has a bit of business to it and will try to get that done but first of all Church on YouTube. Sundays are glorious days as we remember all that God has given to us and has done for us.

A wonderful Mattins at St Giles in the Fieldcs was the location of the Sunday Service for today with the theme - Love, Peace and Unity. How perfect our world could be if we could have peace - love, peace and unity. If there is one country in the world that knows what it is like to stand alone even for just a year and a bit (and with the Commonwealth behind it) it is England. Bombed night and day, living in air raid shelters, their children sent to safety far and wide and it is a life that can never be forgotten because it is part of their history until the Nazi Monster Hitler and his accomplices turned on the United States and brought them into the war in late 1941. The Battle was still great but eventually with God in our hearts we fought back harder and harder, landed on those Normandy Beaches 80 years ago now and just kept pushing until the war was done. The cost in human lives was enormous and also never to be forgotten. Attacking other countries as Hitler did and in this time as Hamas and Russia are doing is a crime against humanity. Israel's right to defend itself until Hamas falls on its knees and swears before God not to attack Israel again, to release the hostages and to leave Gaza is what is necessary to end all of this. No one should have to live beside such hatred as expressed by Hamas against the Jewish people. The Americans have fixed the pier and food is flowing once again into Gaza. The Mediterranean Sea can be violent. 

Breakfast and I am hungry and then Latin a little later. 

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