Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Black Walnut Tree has ceased spreading across my yard

 Interesting that the Black Walnut Tree has now directed itself upwards and towards the west instead of east across my property. Certainly the sun is probably creating that lovely scenario as two years ago it looked like it would cover all of my yard. It is a lovely sample of the Black Walnut for sure. Mostly I have seen them as a set of Black Walnut Trees stretching high up into the sky with their branching being considerably higher than this one. But it is a singleton (and I make sure of that by pulling up any of its seedlings in my yard! It does destroy plants as many can not live under this tree's branches. Certainly half of my garden no longer produces other than lovely sunflower plants but that is alright I only use half of the produce anyway that was coming out of that garden! I do love trees although tend to be fonder of other varieties than this one. It attracts a huge number of squirrels but they are preferable to rats and mice for sure. 

My eyes continue on their recovery. Today two more bottles of eye drops are finished with the 6 am drops. The first operated eye is complete for eye drops on Sunday. On Saturday the second operated eye reduces steroid from 4 to 2 per day with still 4 anti-inflammatory drops per day. The sense of swelling is mostly gone in the lower left quadrant of that eye and the peripheral vision is becoming normalized. It has been an interesting experiment especially as I went into it quite calm having noted my father's eyes doing well with it fourty years ago. He was in his early 80s so a little older than I am now. Although he elected to no longer wear his glasses in the Nursing Home as he didn't want to be there but that was more a product of his being an only child perhaps and having preferred to stay at home which wasn't possible did deny himself the possibility of quietly reading those last years of his life. When I visited I spent the day with him and we did have conversations which became somewhat reminiscent of my childhood with his recalling events in his life before his parents brought him to Canada when he was just nine years of age. At those moments he seemed happy and content although unable to get up and walk about which he loved to do. I do feel lucky to have had those hours with him although they were not as frequent as I would have liked. We lived 700 kilometres away. 

I would have preferred to have thought about all of these eye things with an ophthalmologist but they are very busy and do not have the ability to have multiple appointments following surgery to help one along the road to recovery. Perhaps in the years to come it will happen once again that people in need of the skilled knowledge of ophthalmologists will be able to obtain that within the system although I do not have a problem with paying for extra care when it is above and beyond the normal care following cataract surgery. We just need to have care that is paid for in the system stipulated and what extra care would cost and that a physician/specialist would have the ability to charge for that extra care. I do see that this would still be public care but simply supplemented by extra care where needed but at your own expense since there is a standard protocol to follow after surgery and not everyone has a need for perhaps more questioning/examination given my unique set of eyes which were my only real medical problem. Sort of like dental care on my insurance plan; if I want something extra like a cleaning every 4.5 months then I pay for the extra cost since my plan covers a cleaning and a checkup every nine months (although apparently I am permitted a certain amount of scaling per year which is not completely used up at my regular tooth cleaning and so this was credited to me which was a surprise). I am simply ensuring that as I age my teeth get as much care as possible in order to keep them.  When one is old; one's needs diminish and personal care does become more of an issue simply because one is old!

Today I shall clear some of the weeds from the bricks along the side of my laneway as someone came by yesterday offering the service of refreshing the tarmac which may or may not happen as I will be last but I wanted to remove the weeds anyway and for some reason last night the final surfacing material did not arrive so they could complete the laneway across the road and I suspect they will be back early today but I am an early riser and so can do that after breakfast. 

Started lifting weights yesterday and will have to work my way back up to six sets of six exercises with ten repeats from the beginning which was two sets of fixed exercises with six repeats. It will probably take me two weeks to get back to where I was but I am not in a rush. My waking exercise routine is almost the same as it was now except I haven't started to touch my toes twenty times yet. Will consider when to begin that exercise. No running yet but perhaps tomorrow we will see. Biking for fifteen minutes is a good exercise. Other than that I keep up my 12,000+ steps per day. 

A lovely sunny day in God's world. Thirteen degrees celsius at 5:30 a.m. We are having a slightly cooler end of June but not unusual. July thus far on the weather channel looks to be wet which is good news and cooler. We will see as July last year was very hot and dry. Thank you God for this beautiful world and may mankind find their way to peace sooner rather than later. Hamas out of Gaza so those people can have a decent life. Russia out of Ukraine so that they too can enjoy the fruits of their labour and raise their children in peace. Peace for Israel; sleep for their children without fear of attack by Hamas, Hezbollah and the Youthis. Such ignorant people Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis continuing to attack Israel and seeking to annihilate it from the face of the earth. Iran supporting the terrorists Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis and Russia are both sick countries.

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