Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Fifth Day of recovery from Cataract Surgery

On this fifth day I rested somewhat, worked on my Latin and walked. I was up to 8,000 steps by noon. Not doing aerobics does really restrict me. Perhaps a very slow jog next week; we will see about that. 

It was the surgeon who actually did the surgery that chose the weaker eye to operate on first (the optometrist had told me that that should be the case actually). I am beginning to see that the surgeon is quite right that as this eye improves (I had not expected to have such a quick turn-around to be honest) and it has been very clear since day three; it is doing more work. The colour gradations especially brightness are much better in the operated eye. The removal of the cataract is amazing really and he said it was a good sized one. My eyes lost some of their ability to discriminate and to capture the brightness of the colours.  For the first time in my life I can see into the depth of an oil painting that was my parents and I never could see that before.  For me that is amazing. I prefer to remain wearing glasses since I have astigmatism as well as strabismus and decided not to do the astigmatism correcting lenses. The colour difference though is much more pronounced in the operated eye and again this picture has given me an amazing insight into how limited my vision was. Perhaps it will continue; I do tend to be a wait and see person. 

Because of my sight limitations though I developed from a very young age a huge memory capacity perhaps these variations in the human body are there for a reason; to develop some characteristics to a greater extent. Who knows? God for sure. 

A little more Latin yesterday and lots of breaks as it was tiring my unoperated eye and I want to keep it fresh for the operation. Not sure which day now as I had booked a date but the surgeon had a cancellation and offered it earlier. I said I would check to see that I had coverage for my care and I do - no meetings or research scheduled on the two days. So will wait to see if I do go earlier than was originally booked.  

Keeping up my latin but at a slower pace as I can not do long lessons. The Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter is on the back burner for the moment, I am still thinking about the yDNA results. Possibly it will not get published until into July.

Hopefully the new cease-fire proposal will result in peace in the Middle East. Too bad the terrorists can not see the value in peace as the Houthis continue their attacks.

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