Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A golden day at the Olympics

 Congratulations to two of our athletes on achieving the epitome of success at the Olympics. I have no idea of the mindset that goes with training to do these events to be honest; I have never been interested. But I do love exercise especially cardio; there is something beautiful in the feel of the wind as it streams through your hair when you run. You achieve a sort of union with nature when you become part of it; because that is what the rest of the species do is move through the environment of our world. Mind you I no longer run outside as I approach 80 but still I will just be 79. But running on the streets is not something I do any longer; all my running is at home. Congratulations to their courage and strength to train and exceed all those around them in their quest to be the best both for themselves and for Canada. It is a tribute to their country to do so but also to themselves.

Congratulations to our neighbour the United States with 20 medals in total (the most of any country). Japan has the most golds with France second and China third. 

Cleaning all accomplished yesterday; two floors done. The basement is on tap for today and will work on that this morning. The iRobot does the rugs which is nice for sure but mostly I run it down there to keep it regularly used as I vacuum the rest of the house. The iRobot is great but I do not want it running around whilst I dust and so I vacuum with the machine myself and probably always will so long as that is possible. Exercise is the most important thing we do every day although eating comes in there as well but I am not a foodie and then there is brain work and my Latin helps to fulfill that at the moment although gradually I am getting back to work but more defined now as I have plans on how to work through those 35 boxes of Edward's research to have everything available to other researchers and his work all on line. 

We bought a rowing machine and it is just a simple one but I rather like it. I need more exercise for my arms and upper torso and it will do the trick I rather think. I do lift weights but this feels like a more thorough upper body workout. I do do some pushups with my calisthenics/yoga routine and continue to work on that (full pushups rather than knee pushups) as it follows my plank for 1.5 minutes per day. 

The house still looks so full but gradually we are downsizing - there is actually one empty room except for a bookcase and a television. We have two chairs that move between the scanning setup and this room where we are calling it the viewing room as we will review all of the electronic material that we have by way of music tapes, DVDs, video tapes that Edward made and there are hundreds of them actually. We setup a YouTube Channel for items that carried his voice and will add to it as we work our way through all of this material. 

On to breakfast and the cleaning and in between whilst the iRobot does its job I will do Latin. The Kipp Newsletter is almost complete and should be on time for the 1st of August. 

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