Thursday, July 25, 2024

Rain, beautiful rain

 We really got a wonderful rainfall yesterday. Everything is beautifully green. Thank you God for the bountiful harvest this year in our garden and for the wonderful rains. 

Still working on downsizing. I have a couple of parcels to make up and send off of items that I am sure Edward would want us to send. He talked a lot about his possessions and how he wanted us to handle everything well except for the things he didn't mention. One thing we did do though was start a YouTube Channel for his talks. One is up and we will work on getting the other nearly a dozen up. Edward had a perfect speaking voice and he shared his research and our travels a number of times to different groups. Edward and I spent many many days returning to the areas where his ancestors had lived in the north eastern United States. Most came from 1800 on to settle in southwestern Ontario where the very fertile land there was available and his lines lived in the Woodstock/Brantford area. He shared that farming heritage with Gordon Riddle along with an interest in the families of that area and my knowledge of that is about nil as I did not sit in on their conversations. Gordon had invited Edward to come with him in the early 1980s to the meeting of the Ontario Genealogical Society/Ontario Ancestors as it is now known, not sure exactly when but perhaps 1981 and Edward loved the group and spent the next fourty years supporting and being very involved in the group. Years later I did start to attend meetings (around 2003 actually) although Edward volunteered me to work on computers and genealogy at the annual Gene-O-Rama (my editing and proofreading of material did give me new skills in scanning and image manipulation that he wanted me to share with people). The pursuit of genealogy was not something that interested me until around 2003 when my cousin George DeKay asked me to write a profile of my Pincombe family for the Westminster Township book he was editing. A bit of arm twisting and I did agree and did produce the Pincombe Profile back in 2005. For me it was always Surname Research and I am still a member of the Guild of One Name Studies for nearly twenty years now. The time has passed quickly. Last year I completed the revision (it was actually a two year project in total) of James Sanders "History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset" under the title "The Siderfin Family of West Somerset" which is still freely available on my website for download: Siderfin Family of West Somerset - Elizabeth Kipp 4600.pdf

During some of my working career I was involved in the production of material for both books and articles so feel comfortable writing and James (we share several greats grandparents) who produced the book in 1912 would be pleased to have it revised 112 years later I am sure. His intent was to share the information he collected (and it was extensive) on the Siderfin family and we can be forever grateful to him because so much material was lost when the Record Office in Devon was bombed during World War II. 

Another month and I plan to be back at working on the Blake and Pincombe books with suggested completion in early 2026 although that is beginning to sound closer than it did in January 2026 but is a good date to aim for even if I miss it and continue working on the two books for a longer time. Does genealogy actually interest me? I think the story of families is interesting but I tend to see it as surname research and do not follow all the lines so I suppose genealogy is not really what I am doing although perhaps belongs to that overall category. I do not include the descent of female lines (standard in surname research) except in the case of the Siderfin book where my mother's Siderfin ancestor was her 2x great grandmother hence following a Rew-Siderfin marriage to a Pincombe-Rew marriage which then came down in the Pincombe line to my mother. 

The recitation of the generations of family that preceded Jesus in the Bible always fascinated me and the surname line in this case was also through a female line, Mary the mother of Jesus was descendant of the line of David (as was Joseph the earthly father of Jesus). Hence my seeing this type of study as Surname Study rather than genealogy. 

Time for breakfast and then Latin. Yesterday I missed doing Latin as I worked on the Blake Newsletter right after breakfast but did remember by evening fortunately and so have not missed a lesson in Latin for nearly 200 days now. It has been an excellent mainstay whilst I recovered from cataract surgery. 

Thank you God for another beautiful day in your world. May peace come to our world for everyone to live a happy life. 

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