Sunday, July 28, 2024

Silver for Canada in Women's swimming

 Silver in swimming for Canada in the Olympics. Congratulations to our athletes. Sports is the number one important part of life aside from learning. I do enjoy the Olympics. Thank you again to Celine Dion for her wonderful finale at the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics in Paris. Watching the opening was like going back once again to Paris - we were there twice. A beautiful city with beautiful people and the walks in the parks there were unforgettable. 

Cleaned the garage yesterday as I start to head towards fall cleanup. It is a huge task doing all of that work but the results are always pleasing. The children's wagon and some spare wood is going out to the garbage this week. Initially I put the wagon out for anyone to take but looking at it; I think it has maybe had its life and it is time for it to go to landfill. It is wood so will soon deteriorate. The girls had so much fun with that wagon. Packing it up with their toys and then back into the end of the yard where they had picnics under the trees. It made them feel so independent to manage their own day when just little people. 

Today is Sunday in Ordinary Time (Trinity)  and I will go to Church on YouTube and this week, the Ninth Sunday after Trinity, the service is from Dunstable Priory in Bedfordshire. 

Slowly working myself through the accumulated material that results from reorganizing my closet. The pile on my desk now reduced to a small holder full of CDs that I need to review and decide whether to keep them or not. They are all created by either Edward or myself for various purposes. Trimming it down now is my purpose; it brings to mind Shakespeares's seven stages of man from infant to old age actually. 

Breakfast next and then latin. The day follows its own patterns which gives a certain amount of stability to one's life.  

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