Saturday, August 24, 2024

A bit of excitement

 The dogs are busy and a discovery was made because of them. The mice/rats which took up habitation next door a month or so ago were dead I thought I understood as they were trapped or poisoned - no idea which but apparently that was not the case. A very thin mouse/rat appeared on our feeder a couple of days ago so I scared it off and removed everything from the feeders (both of them). It seems sad but then we noticed that she had had young as a tiny newborn mice/rat was seen so she simply hid in her burrow and had her young and has now emerged but they are afraid of the dogs and stay out of the yard. They actually have to eat the poisoned food and perhaps she did not; plus it is usual for them to just nurse their newborns for a couple of weeks and she was very plump before. I am sure there are mice/rats around but generally one doesn't see them close to houses unless there is a lot of cover as they do not want to be picked up by hawks. The hawks have been hovering about which isn't easy with all the tree cover but they tend to do that here anyway. We likely will move in the spring; still looking at doing that. There is too much work to do. 

The end of dog sitting is in sight and it has been an interesting experience. The summer is drawing to a close and I must get things organized for that. 

Latin all done finally and I completed a project I started yesterday. I want to get back into my work next week but also need to clean up the yard.

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