Friday, August 9, 2024

Another Good day of Scanning

 Yesterday was another good day for scanning. I now have my pile separated into items that must be photographed -large wills mostly and should be a good project for photography - and scanning. I have a camera setup that lets me photograph from above the documents. Will see how that goes. I would like to eliminate the paper but they are too large to scan. They are already transcribed which is a bonus but it is nice to have a copy of the original document. 

I still have a small pile for scanning today and hope to complete that task. That means my box is now about 3/4rds full and I will continue to work at it but in smaller doses for sure. I have scanned all of Edward's mother's pictures that she took of us and will create an excel file to record the information on the back of the pictures (or add because I know the details) and then probably destroy those pictures. 

We have thousands and thousand of printed pictures which have all been scanned. I will be weeding those out to just actual family pictures over the next couple of months. At the moment there are fourty binders from the mid 1960s to the early 2000s. I would like to bring this down to ten binders and we will see how that goes. Intermingled into this binders is one Edward created from the first sod turned for Orleans United Church to the Dedication Service. I will eventually turn this one over to Orleans United Church if they would like to have it along with the VHS tapes that we have sorted out. There are also binders with old family pictures (originals) which will go to relatives researching the individual lines. 

Yesterday I did some gardening, perhaps two hours in total, and that continues to barely make a dint in the weeds unfortunately. I also picked beans; they were very nice actually and a lot more to come. I do have quite a bit of yard work but will do that in the fall mostly at cleanup time. 

A lovely walk on the beach at Petri completed the day of exercise. You could see the storm clouds developing and it rained last night finally and we anticipate a heavy rainfall from the latest hurricane as the remnants arrive in Eastern Canada. 

Breakfast next and then Latin. 

A great day for Olympics again yesterday; Canada did well and it is always great to win medals but it is also great that we participate in so many sports. Our neighbour, the United States, doing very well with the most golds and the most medals with just a couple of days remaining. The United States and China have gone back and forth for the lead in golds but definitely the United States leads in medal count. An amazing country is our neighbours to the south. Extremely hard working and exceptional I think in the world but I think of my own country that way as well. We must forever guard our democracy from those who claim to care but the question remains who cares the most about the actual people who work the regular jobs. It is true in my country as much as any other; we must be very cautious in judging that wealthy people whose only aim is to make more money for themselves do not control our countries so much as good sense and good government that respects all of the people. Our eyes are still on Venezuela for sure. 

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