Sunday, August 18, 2024

Church online at All Saints, Cottenham near Cambridge

 A lovely service this morning from All Saints, Cottenham near Cambridge. A cafe in the Church is an interesting idea. The Churches in England have been very forward thinking as there is a cafe in the basement of St Martin-in-the-Fields. One of the most meaningful days spent in England was at St Martin-in-the-Fields which my Henry Christopher Buller and Anne (Welch) Buller attended with their older children (my great grandfather Edwin Denner Buller was born in Birmingham). An interesting family to me for sure. I know a lot about them but really so little as the father of Henry Christopher Buller was Christopher Buller born circa 1764 but parents still unknown. He had a Slop Shop on Tooley Street (33) and there is still today a shop there but this area was heavily bombed so cannot be sure that the building that is still there was his Shop. He made sailor's clothes apparently. Henry had a Pork Butcher Shop in Covent Garden in London but also a Pork Butcher Shop on Lower Temple Street near his father in law's restaurant on the corner of Lower Temple Street and King Street. Certainly my time spent in England especially London was quite fascinating. 

Day Six dog-sitting and they are being very good. They miss their people so very much and we are just a substitute both of us busy with our research. The days pass quickly for us but not so much for them. We take time to be with them but the life they lead away from us is a much busier one with long walks, runs and just a lot more people! 

The dogs distract me somewhat so I am not getting a lot done but I am thinking a lot about what I want to accomplish this fall and winter before I really look into moving to a smaller place. I am just toying with it at the moment seeing what is out there mostly but a condo is pretty much settling itself into my mind or a townhome with no land!

Still raining today and on into tomorrow. We have certainly had a rainy summer here - the usual drought just didn't really happen except for a brief couple of weeks. 

Time to do rowing and weight lifting. The day moves along. Latin still to do just before lunch likely these days. 

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