Thursday, August 22, 2024

Cold and rainy

 The end of August approaches with its unpredictable weather; the dog is barking early. A car parked in front of the house at 6:20 a.m. and got the puppy going but soon settled once again. Breakfast at 7:00 a.m. and then out for a good run at 8:00 a.m. and now settled in for a snooze. My mornings are always early but I do not get very much done at the moment. Dogs are a lot of work although they are very comfortable companions I can see that. 

Yesterday not a lot accomplished although I did do some work on the Siderfin charting. It will probably take me the better part of one month to work all of that up and then I will publish it as a companion book to the revised book. I have spent most of the summer recovering from eye surgery for cataracts. Not that I needed all that recovery time but I decided it would benefit my eyes not to strain them and just let them be like a child's eyes and rest and relax as I enjoyed the world of God around me. It has been an interesting and rather lazy summer on my part. The weeds can testify to that for sure. 

Thank you God for the bounty of the earth and all that is in it. We must do more to protect the earth. All of these people who have made fortunes especially during the followup to the pandemic should really think about how to green the entire planet not just the space around them. They may think that they can organize the world around them but would they always choose to live in that small area in a fishbowl because in reality they do. One wonders; children certainly prosper only when the world around them is free.

Today my latin; it has definitely suffered the last two weeks as I generally did it first thing in the morning and generally it is noon now before I do my latin. The dogs are lying on my bed on the red blanket that they love and falling asleep. They had a good couple of runs outside but really do need that 5K that they do with their family. They are big strong dogs and I know that it would not be fair of me to try to take them for a walk or a run. At nearly 79 I love to run but it is my pace not theirs for sure. 

Breakfast accomplished and now some time on research. One of the top things on my mind that I need to organize are the Kipp pictures of the Isaac Kipp family of Oxford County, Ontario and Brant County, Ontario. They arrived in October of 1800 originally from Northeast Town in Dutchess County, New York. Hannah (Mead) Kipp was the daughter of a revolutionary soldier Jonathan Mead the Cooper III but Isaac's parents remain unknown for sure positively but there are a couple of interesting people but I will leave all that research to others. I do not have in depth knowledge of the Kipp family other than what Edward produced for his book in the mid 1970s (published in 1976) and there are copies in the major repositories that he gave them to. Was he finished with the Kipp family then; absolutely not he was just beginning really but wanted to produce a book of what he had found in his first decade of searching. The rest is online and remains that way as he never republished the book. I typed it actually and it was one of my jobs when I was home raising my first child (to me work is work whether it is within my family or not!). So that part I am familiar with but all the work since less so unless I did the research for him in our travels when my interest in genealogy was 0% and his 100%. I like research and do like to get my teeth into things on occasion but do now have a schedule that I am attached to with regard to the next ten years if that should happen to be workable. Although Edward loved his time with the Ontario Genealogical Society (now Ontario Ancestors) it definitely took away from his own personal research time. But he was lonely and needed more companionship than I did and so the OGS filled that niche for him along with his time at Orleans United Church and a number of other groups. Gordon Riddle invited him to go to a meeting of the OGS which was Edward's first meeting of the OGS society. That was not something that interested me at all but the two of them seemed to enjoy being in that group for sure. My memory is hazy as to how long Gordon attended after that with him as I was pregnant with my second child; trying to keep food in my stomach and not miscarry as I was prone to that in the early months of pregnancy. We did not attend the OGS in London, Ontario when we lived there as our shared interest was the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada which we attended along with a couple of other items like Edward's United Church. Here Orleans United Church, the Ottawa Field Naturalist Club (love birdwatching), a committee looking at sports in the area and I was doing Brownies as a leader for my oldest daughter occupied us although Edward also did the Ham Radio Club and a couple of other items.  Before we came to Ottawa, Edward had completed his PhD, done a two year post-Doc in Chemical Engineering and I was involved in writing and research in those days in a couple of different jobs over time until my couple of years at the Post Office sitting which gave us our wonderful first daughter. We loved to camp on the weekends in the summer, Church on Sundays through the rest of the year and that was our life along with visiting with families until we moved to Ottawa. Far from family I actually enjoyed all of that quiet time with our eldest and refrained from doing much although Edward suggested the Scientists' Wives Group at NRC which I did attend for a while. He thought I might enjoy that thinking most of the people would be interested in Science but Edward although he was an Inorganic Chemist was employed as a Technical Librarian having completed his MLS after his PhD so I did not see myself as really fitting in with that group. His job though interested him as he was there to see journals go from in the hand as paper to electronic and available anywhere by download and he enjoyed it. Actually I noticed that he didn't have a cold all that time and wondered then if for him it was better not to be in a lab 100% of his working time. Working with chemicals does have its problems. I thought it was a good move for him and moved on from the idea of his being a Scientist at a University or in industry. But I am using up my working time and the dogs are still sound asleep so must get back to work. The Ontario Archives is where I will check to see if they would like these pictures of the early settlers in Oxford/Brant Counties of Ontario who did head to British Columbia later in the 1800s as early settlers there. But their roots were here in Ontario with regard to Canada.

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