Thursday, August 8, 2024

Continuing to thin out my box of paper

 I spent most of yesterday thinning out my paper when I was working. I came across some old film that I thought belonged to my grandmother but was actually film from some photography that my father had done of family pictures (mostly people in England). I now have the film scanner working (my daughter did it actually) and producing positives of that work. We have the original photographs but some of them are fading so it is nice to have the electronic positives created from the film negative. I will complete that today and have enough work from what I have accomplished thus far to keep me busy. There was a collection of family pictures that Edward's mother had taken so will catalogue all of them as they are now scanned into a collection in her name although may not destroy the originals as they occupy just a small pile. 

I sorted through all the paper copies of wills and I have them all in electronic form now so will destroy them as well. Plus they are on the Kew website anyway and I have transcribed all of them. The pile that was 30 centimetres high is now les than 5 centimetres to scan and take images of. Some of the wills on paper have come from record offices so will photograph them as they are large. Gradually everything in my research will be electronic. That was to be my accomplishment in August before getting back into writing in September.

Plus I have my new glasses picked up yesterday. I will start driving again today. It wasn't a problem anyway as my daughter was doing that but it will give me a chance to get used to my new eyes/new glasses which is great. I continue to be surprised by my eyes actually and highly recommend cataract surgery. One just has to remember to take time to heal and return to your regular life. It is now nearly two months since my last surgery and I am back to doing all my exercises and have added in the rowing machine. 

The Olympics continues to be an amazing watch on TV. The United States has 27 golds with a total medal count of 95, china has 25 golds with a total medal count of 66 and other countries also doing very well, Australia next, then France and Great Britain round up the top five. Canada has nineteen medals now with six golds. Still more Olympics to come and it is perhaps the greatest sporting event for me every two years. 80 countries in total have medaled  now which is 39% of the countries that have participated. That is simply wonderful to have so many competing and so many going home with at least one medal. The world of sport is by far the most interesting although science and now one name studies are perhaps my most interesting daily interest.  But for me God remains paramount in my spirit and life. Another beautiful sunny day in God's world and we are blessed with such a bountiful world and must do more to keep it that way. Thank you God for all you do.

Breakfast next and then back to Latin studies, work and exercise. I must get outside and do some outdoor work. There is always so much to do out there and it is healthy work for sure. 

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