Saturday, August 10, 2024

Eighty countries (including the refugee group) have medaled at the Olympics

 Another great day for Canada at the Olympics with 24 medals now (7 gold); congratulations to our athletes. The United States and China are now tied for gold (33) with the Americans winning the most medals 111 and China at 83. Our American neighbours are truly amazing. Tomorrow the closing ceremonies. 

The remnants of the hurricane blasted through the eastern part of Ontario yesterday and the rain was heavy. Looking out the window was a sheet of water coming down regularly all day long. The streets ran with water but not like what happened when it was a hurricane - we caught the tail end of that storm as we generally do. 

Completed most of my scanning yesterday - a couple more items to do that require more thought. I also started to build the excel file to go with the set of my husband's mother's pictures that she had kept through the years of our family. There are 15 scanned pages with about four of five pictures per page. Some were from her camera but some were pictures we had sent to her. 

I wrote a blog on my husband's blog about the changes to his website created by the sale of World Connect to Ancestry. The data that he had put up was a gedcom which had some of the information from Legacy. I decided to create descendant and ancestral charts, to replace the now missing information, in Legacy and that process is now complete and up on his website along with an added file: "The Ancestors of Edward Burnice Kipp" going back 20 generations. I believe the original gedcoms may become available on Ancestry; I did not check yet as I had put up the same gedcom on Ancestry for Edward already. 

Other than that it was a busy day working on a few film scanning projects. One interesting set of films were my fathers of some pictures that had come from England. I am recreating the positives although had scanned those originals before giving them to my younger sister. I am not keeping any original images as people are more likely to go and visit her. Plus my children are not that interested in genealogy (although they do enjoy learning about their ancestry and perhaps later when they are not so busy) so I must complete all of my tasks in a timely fashion and tie up all the loose ends if possible. My research tools will go to the Anglican Archives if they still want them. The book plans will probably keep me busy into my mid 80s and then I shall start to divest myself of all of these fiche, etc. What is left will all be electronic and I will deposit any "book" material in the Library of the Guild of one name studies. 

My Latin is falling behind a little so must catch up. I am getting used to my new bifocals quite quickly actually. It is good eye exercise going from distance to closeup with just a blink of the eye!

Breakfast time and then Latin. This is collection day one day late this week due to the Bank Holiday on Monday. I must get the paper and other recycling out to the curb. 

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