Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The day has slipped by

 The day has slipped by and I have been very busy as it turns out. My blog got unpublished. Nearly the middle of August and I had thought to have a couple of items done this summer that I have not yet touched but will likely in the next couple of weeks. One was charting the Siderfin Family as I did not put any genealogical charts into the Siderfin Book that I published to keep the size down. It came back to me when LAC sent me a copy of the registration for the book with me as publisher. Having cataracts done was a bit of a full time job for a short time and then getting back to doing everything the next step but it coincided with the summer and the work load of that so life just got in the way and I shall begin to work on those charts using my Legacy file. 

Another hot sunny day reminding us that it is still summer and more of it to come. I think my favourite season continues to be winter as I can get so much written work done in the summer. However, the sun is pleasant for sure. 

So today I need to do a grocery list and start to build up a little supply of essentials as fall approaches. My needs are very small it does appear which does surprise me still. But I was a child in a family of seven and I never acquired those desires for as much as I could have. I prefer to have few possessions as it turns out although I appear to be encumbered with many but gradually getting that sorted through. 

Still looking around for a place to move to in the spring but no rush on that. I need to do a bit of thinking through on all of that. Absolutely I need a smaller place and especially a smaller yard. This is too much work. This would be a good house for a family for sure; we loved this house and still do. 

Sad to see Hamas is trying to grandstand, demanding a cease fire - do they never learn that if you attack a country they will attack you back. Perhaps it is unrealistic of Israel to think they can destroy Hamas entirely but a lot of that is just desire to get their hostages back and Hamas did not carry through with that project. The ICJ ordered Hamas to release the hostages immediately and unconditionally seven months ago - that hasn't happened. Yet they expect to just say they want a ceasefire now and that it should happen. Their ignorance is beyond comprehension. So long as they are in Gaza they will attack Israel in anyway that they can. One can hardly see that their can be relief unless Hamas is completely destroyed. Hamas destroyed any opportunity for the Palestinians to actually have a country back in 2005 when they set a course to try and destroy Israel; the Palestinians are just fodder for Hamas to use as human shields including the children whilst they hide underground like the rats they are. 

More power to Ukraine as they take the war that Russia started back to Russia. When you are outnumbered by 5 to 1 that is a brave thing to do and reminiscent of Britain standing alone against Fortress Europe in 1940. Luckily Britain had the Commonwealth to help out until the greedy Axis powers did their usual over extension of attack and paid the price for that. Greed is one of the grievous sins along with pride, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. Russia definitely deserve this because they did not eliminate the psychopathic Nazi Putin and his adherents. Ukraine is a free country and Russia is holding under military rule some of their territory. 

The day continues.

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