Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Hand is improving

 Slowly steadily the bruising is being reabsorbed in my hand; probably another week though before it will be all gone. A little soreness in the finger first thing but much improved. Today is another cleaning day - the basement and I will continue painting the stairs. The regular routine is helpful to get me back into writing my books. It is a slow process though writing books. 

I must investigate with Rogers whether they install those door bells that let you see who is there plus I actually need a working doorbell (when Rogers was installing the new cable I think someone might have rung the doorbell but it didn't make a sound). This one does not ring any more or rings sporadically as far as I can tell but I actually haven't heard it ring for a bit. But then it is old for a doorbell - 46+ years old. I always know when someone is coming so it doesn't really matter. Actually I think doorbells are extraneous really as delivery people seldom ring the bell anyway.Turned out to be a quick fix; I do not usually climb ladders on my own but I discovered that our beautiful grand dogs had left a lot of hair even up that high. All cleaned out; I thought I had vacuumed absolutely everything but not quite. Working again but I may put my note back up when I am writing as it is nice not to have to go to the door when I am writing. I really can not help anyone especially with my sprained finger!; at 79 I am not doing CPR or anything like that and I do not babysit children normally especially other people's children. Not my thing. Lovely people, children but I raised mine and if needed would care for my own but tend not to get involved with babysitting. I am much too old. Plus I never buy anything at the door. The City kindly leaves notes when they are doing work so unless you are going to drop a tree on my car or the gas line is leaking probably you do not need to ring my door. Plus I do plan to move in another year. I hope a young family moves in because this is a street for children for sure; mine loved it.

No work on the book yesterday; it was entirely a cleaning day. I actually never even opened the door except to check the mail. I seldom get any mail; I have everything coming on the email that can come that way. 

The reheated chicken stew was excellent once again and there is still two more days. I baked a banana bread last night; I haven't baked anything for quite a while. Last week the other three days I had a piece of salmon that lasted that long. I really do enjoy having left over meals. It gives me more time for my writing. I am still on the 12th generation with about 37 pages left to go. Then the charting can continue and I hope to complete it in the next couple of weeks along with the two missing newsletters. I have been somewhat tardy with that for sure. 

I see it is just 5 degrees celsius this morning. Must check on that back tap and turn it off although it is supposed to warm up and I still need it for a couple of days. No frost warning though on the weather channel. The nice thing about frost is getting rid of the pollen - my eyes and nose are running as I do have a couple of fall allergies to things like ragweed. Come on winter!

Breakfast next. Then Latin. Cleaning follows and the painting. The days pass very quickly.

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