Monday, September 30, 2024

Israel has a right to defend itself and to protect their children from the barbarism of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis

 Hezbollah tries to claim the bombs that Israel sends against them are barbaric. Hezbollah has been bombing Israel since the barbaric attack of Hamas on the Israeli people 7th October last. Hezbollah created the war zone to help Hamas (and make life unbearable for the Israelis who lived in the north forcing them to flee their homes) and as always Hezbollah's desire to commit genocide against the Israeli peoples. There is no equivalence between the attacks by Hezbollah and the Houthis and Hamas and the defensive maneuvers of Israel to protect their people. Stop bombing Israel Hezbollah, lay down your arms and get out of Lebanon. Find a place where you can live without attacking people as your main aim in life. You destroy the life of the Lebanese people as well as trying to commit genocide against the Israeli people. The world would love to see a cease fire but it is Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis who do not stop bombing and have not for many years. The Israeli are defending themselves. Their children have a right to go to sleep at night without fear. Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis destroy the lives of the people in the countries which they have tried to take over or have taken over. 

My neighbours stained/painted the fence yesterday (at least it is almost done perhaps they ran out of paint/stain). Myself I like to see wood just age on its own but I am not going to be looking at it since I plan to move next summer sometime which I did tell them. Owning a house is really a lot of work and I haven't trained for that for sure. Coming from a large family, not the eldest (the middle of seven children is me) I never really had responsibility or even heard about items that were done on the house other than my mother was a great painter. I did help her at the cottage but she preferred to paint her own walls at home. So my experience is nil and it shows.  The fence was part of that although my eyes were not reading much at the time the contract was signed so I missed the black chain link (I should have checked when they were coming but I didn't - there were so many eyes on that contract - it was a lesson to me). Now I am roofing and did not really expect to have it done before mid October so tomorrow it is meant to happen (learned that last Thursday) and I would like them to shingle the entire roof area where the leak was  which let the water in during that heavy heavy rain storm in August which literally flooded the roof. I think it might be organized but I will call today and make sure since the fence was a problem I need to be pro-active. What I really need is not to have the responsibility of a house. I am not that house conscious a person. Anyway we will see how that goes. I did pick the minor repairs initially as the roof tiles were said to still be good so I hated to fill the landfill with good tiles but I think it is better to reshingle the entire area now that I have thought about the ice up there in the winter and all that. I do need to think about these things for sure for a bit I am 79 after all; not a bright smart young 20 something. Being 79 is both amazing and difficult for sure.

Worked away on organizing yesterday but did go to Church in the morning (youtube) and it was a Church in Roehampton, Sussex. A lovely church inside and the vicar was quite interesting. The theme - generosity Sunday. I feel blessed to have this ability to go to Church every Sunday using YouTube. I do love the Anglican Service with its music, prayers and homilies. It is beautiful. 

Today clean the basement and call about the roof to make sure that is happening as set up on Saturday. A little more organizing today and then back to the Companion Charting Book for the Siderfin Family. My eyes did need a break as they were very tired on Friday. 

I did try to see the mini-moon early this morning when the moon was still up but the trees, as usual, blocked the view. Maybe soon I will see that if the telescope is strong enough.


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