Thursday, September 19, 2024

Land Line is an Emergency Phone

Our landline is an emergency phone. I seldom answer it because I do not give the number out or use it for anything. It is always SPAM although occasionally I do pick it up mostly absentmindedly and occasionally a number comes up from the deep past since we have had that number for many many years. Usually though it is someone lying which I inform them as I hang up. Not too many calls but occasionally there will be a raft of them likely the automatic dialers have picked up the number and do not let it go for a bit until the answer rate shows it is wasted time. 

The final look of the fence is apparently unknown to my neighbours which has created a bit of mystery especially as I do not want to have to make any decisions if the others are not available at the moment such a decision needs to be made. I do not have to live with the result but the others do and so it has to be a known quantity and at the moment it apparently is not. We will discover tomorrow perhaps what the plan is. I am such a knit picker personally that I would have insisted on knowing in advance right down to the last placement of the board pretty much. But I was out of commission so to speak and so here we are with decisions perhaps to make although I shall mostly hide in the house out of the sun (bad for my new eyes) and let them make all the decisions.  It is much easier to live with decisions that you have made then to live with decisions made for you for sure. 

Today good progress on the book and Augustine's son John is more or less complete. Tomorrow is Robert and then I need to decide how to display the generations from there on. The families were very often large and I shall be reduced to just parents and children on the pages.

 Good day for exercises - stretching exercises, weightlifting,  running, walking and calisthenics/yoga and all completed just about the right time actually. I barely went outside and really I must try to get out more often but I am basically an inside person unless it is astronomy, bird watching, skiing, swimming and all those types of things. 

Our monthly Praying with PWRDF was an excellent service today.

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