Saturday, September 14, 2024

My doorbell rang

 Amazing, I actually did fix that doorbell. It rang today whilst I was in the midst of my weightlifting routine. I was walking between lifts and walked upstairs to look out the window and I could see that there were two children as close to my front door as you can get because I could barely see them. Why are they there; they should have a sign or be wearing a uniform if they are selling apples or cookies but this is two children. I am fairly sure they are trying to get me to support them for the Terry Fox Run. I do support the Terry Fox Run; I have grandchildren running in that and I just want one receipt and so I do not answer the door. I refuse to answer the door unless I am expecting someone or they have some sort of a uniform that I recognize including a car that I recognize that I can see or it is perhaps my direct next door neighbours as we watch each other's houses when we are away - a courtesy that one does to close neighbours. They only rang once as their parents probably told them that people knew why they were coming and were not planning to support their run in the Terry Fox Run. I got an email from the Terry Fox Run telling me I could support the individuals that I supported last year in his/her school online and could make my contribution there. I did that last year anyway and it is the best way. I liked the way Cairine Wilson did their food drive last year with a flyer - they let me know what they needed and when they would come for it so I could just leave it on the front porch. The schools could do the same for this run and just have an ability to support any child with a particular sum. I could have thirty or fourty children coming to my door, I am not doing fourty different tiny donations - the bank would not thank me for doing that!

I do not really believe in children going door to door without a parent. I really dislike people trying to sell me something at the door. I am not going to buy it and I have so much work to do I am not answering my door unless I know you are coming, you are going to drop a tree on my car, or there is a gas leak which I would have already noticed likely. Or I am actually needed to call someone to help them which I would do most willingly if they are injured otherwise they should go home they need their medical information to get help.

Back to work, weightlifting completed. I will soon do my contribution to the Terry Fox Run when I have the details from my children for their children. I think it is a great thing to do that but I question this method of sending children door to door. People just do not keep money on hand for such things and children have no way to do credit card type things. If you have a brochure just leave it in the box I will find it. The school could have a parent volunteer at the front area and advertise it so that people could come and do contributions if they want. Anyway my thoughts on my door bell ringing when I am working; I have so much work to do and at 79 the years are passing. Must put my note up on the door.

Trying to remember the group that I belonged to when my children were in school - Block Parent. We had a sign that we put in the window if a child needed support on their way to and from school. I had that in my window on school days when I worked at home after it was set up. Excellent idea actually do not know if it still exists.  

As a child, I did not go door to door to collect anything and so I just do not see a value in that unless it is administrated in a manner which works for people in the route. Like the Cairine Wilson Food Drive; that was excellent. I did sell cookies as a Girl Guide and later as a leader but I actually do not think they do that anymore. Which is a good thing I actually think.

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