Friday, September 27, 2024

Then it turned out that yesterday was a good day to work outside

 Not a lot done but gradually getting the garage empty so that the car can fit in there in the winter. I do not want to have to chip ice off or snow. I hardly go anywhere (my biggest trip is to take the car to get the winter tires on and the other common trip is to the Metro to buy food) by myself driving. I could; I am seeing very well now actually. Amazing really; it continues to surprise me. 

Worked on John descendants (son of Augustine Siderfin) and will continue that today. Then I will move to Robert (my line) and the descendants in that line and then I am finished. I had to decide about an index and I believe I will refer to the pages in the main book with each of the small charts as the main book is indexed. Indexing this companion book would be difficult because the names are all in boxes and would require me to individually work my way back through all of that charting. So long as I refer to the lines as I did in the main book the charting book is just an assist to look at the lines not the main book which contains all of the information. Anyone not agreeing with me can update my book!

More work on the garage as I took in the rack that I use to store gardening items, washed it up and it will hold all the outdoor shoes through the winter in the basement. All the gardening shoes washed up and the boots. The garage is getting down to bare bones which it needs to be so that I can easily park the car. The winter shovels are in the garage now but still I have some of the summer gardening tools like shovels and rakes which will get used the next couple of weeks and then also be done. I still also have the brown paper refuse bags which will also get used and put back in the shed if any are left. The lawn mower is also still in the garage and once the lawn is dried up from all that rain I will cut it all one more time. Clean up the lawn mower and it goes into the shed. Then the shed is full (comparatively it is not really that full as I can get in there and move around still) and we are ready for winter. I have to cover the air conditioner and drain the last hose to put away for the winter. Shut off the last outside tap and the task is complete. 

The roof is happening next week and pictures to come so that I can actually  see the work; the marvels of modern science. The pictures of the fence were nice to see as well but I can also see it out the window. The roof is more important in that regard. It was tempting to replace the entire roof but such a waste of tiles that are still good since the last re-roofing was only in 2009. There is work to do outside and I will do as much as I can. I cleaned the front window and polished it up. Cleaned the door for the electrical box. Discovered that yes I can remove the hardening sand from the bricks with elbow grease and a brush so will work away at that in October on nice days. The raking I will do a little today I think. I generally wait for all the leaves to come off the tree out front along with the stems but there is quite a bit down and it is recycling/collection day. So perhaps a bag or so. We will see. 

Other than that the day begins. Yesterday was a good exercise day and today will be as well I rather think. Breakfast after solitare games. Then Latin and then some work on the Siderfin book. Once that book is completed then I can return to the Blake and Pincombe books which will likely be mid October so a bit behind but still I am retired and my own boss so not a problem. 

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