Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Landkey Parish Registers - 21 January 2009

I have completed to the end of 1642 for the Landkey Parish Registers. The priest makes these interesting little drawings to direct your eye towards the correct column of material. Sometimes he has little drawings in other spots on the page. The handwriting is fairly reasonable although sometimes a little tight so that one has to scrutinize carefully to deduce what he has written. Mostly the same names but new ones creeping in and old ones disappearing. A number of couples come from Barnstaple to be married at Landkey. I didn't visit the Church there so do not know if it is a particularly nice one that attracted people for their marriages. Perhaps they were of the village before and wanted to return to marry there - all sorts of thoughts on that as I work my way through the records. The death rate for infants is quite high and when I am done I may just do a few calculations on that. I now have 590 baptisms, 189 marriages and 473 burials entered into my excel database. One family is excluded from the IGI - Wilkey. Sometimes it is difficult to interpret the entry and that is perhaps why. Whenever the entry isn't in the "usual" format it tends to be omitted from the IGI.

Other than that I haven't done much else today on genealogy. Did do the laundry - now that we are empty nesters there isn't too much of that actually. Since we are mostly home all the time I tend to wear just a couple of warm outfits (heavy sweaters and slacks) and wool worksocks so that we just do laundry twice a week. Only wash dishes once a day and it takes about five minutes. Finished for the day but ended up working into the evening as the day was broken up a bit this afternoon as we took the dogs for a walk.

Tomorrow I will continue with transcribing the Landkey registers - I am on the second fiche and getting close to finishing the 2nd row (5 rows to a fiche). I have only four fiche which brings me up to the mid 1700s. That should satisfy my interest in the Pincombe, Manning and Upcott families at Landkey as they are at Bishops Nympton by the 1600s for my direct line. The Manning and Upcott ancestors are buried at Bishops Nympton which is what attracted me to the baptism of John Manninge at Landkey plus he was baptized in 1655 which fits into the Manning that was the father of Grace Manning my ancestress who married John Pincombe at Bishops Nympton in 1725.

I also need to work on my presentation at Gene-O-Rama on Family Studies and DNA. It is only 30 minutes this time and I will concentrate on some of the good results that we have from a couple of family studies and compare that with the paper trails that are available.

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