Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bishops Nympton Census - 25 March 2009

I completed to the end of page 5 enumeration district 4 for the 1891 Bishops Nympton Census. I am about half way through 1891 and hope to complete it by Friday evening. Then I have 1901 census to do and at the same time extract the 1911 people searching on the 1911 site for the names in the 1901 census. I will try to group them into their families if I can. Eventually it will be online at Ancestry (2011 I think!). I can not afford to look up all of those pages as it would be one for each family I think so at least 100 families which would be 3000 points. Eventually I want to subscribe to FindMyPast but I simply do not have time at the moment to make really good use of their databases. My husband and I both use Ancestry so it is very practical for us to subscribe to them and will be for quite a while as there is an enormous amount of material that I haven't had time to look at nor has my husband. Plus they are always adding new information.

We have been busy watching the James Heriott series - Yorkshire Dales Veterinarian in 1937 (fictitious name but built around an actual veterinarian in the Yorkshire Dales). Watching the series has been fun as we relive our trip through England where we did see some of the Dales. It is amazing how different the country is as you travel up one side and down the other side - the entire Island could fit into southwestern Ontario. However, Southwestern Ontario is also of varied geographic types from the flat farmlands in between Huron and Erie Lakes to the escarpment at Hamilton which snakes across Ontario to the Bruce Peninsula with its fantastic craggy views.

Today I had four requests for information on Bishops Nympton and I answered all but one. One involves more work and so it must wait until I can fit it into my schedule. I have one pending which is quite a bit of work and will accomplish that one in the next month.

Tomorrow I will work on the census for Bishops Nympton and time to clean again. The days sneak by so quickly.

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