Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tennis Elbow improving

I really relaxed the last couple of days and my tennis elbow is rapidly disappearing. I rather think by midweek I will be back at typing again for hours on end! This time I will type for two hours and then take breaks though. I was just so intent on completing the Bishops Nympton Parish Registers :)

Continuing to read and I completed Ann Gibbons book. I found it most fascinating and will continue reading in that vein. Knowing ones ancestors is a marvelous topic to occupy one's retirement days and it is so beneficial to so many. I had an email today from an individual in Tunisia looking for a match on his T2 mtDNA results. I mentioned the FGS study and he is keen to sign up to see what more he can learn. One can not be sure of finding out anything more than one's deep ancestry but sometimes there can be surprises.

Back to reading - I have a book on pilgrimages which I have meant to read for awhile and it too is very interesting.

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