Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 7 April 2008

I continued working on the Milton Abbas Poor Law Records and they will take me several more days to complete (about 25 more images). No new discoveries of my family names there.

I also discovered the Centenary Club at the Ontario Genealogical Society (of which I am a member) and downloaded their form (actually I decided to retype it into word and then I could type it instead of handwriting). I have filled in most of the form and I have five emigrant ancestors (plus two children who were born in England) who have been in Ontario for more than 100 years. My maternal grandmother came in 1908 but I decided not to trace her back since she is just over the 100 years and I already had five adult emigrant ancestors.

I also am back on track doing my exercises which is great. I used the elliptical machine for 7 minutes which is good for me and then did aerobics for another 20 minutes then weightlifting for 10 minutes. I followed that up with my special shoulder exercises which I have been doing since I had therapy on my shoulder following the torn rotator cup. This injury has healed I think as I usually am not bothered by it.

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