Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 8 April 2009

I completed my Centenary Club application and sent it off to OGS. I decided to have my Centenary ancestor as John Pincombe. I know the most about this family line with respect to my Canadian ancestry.

I continued working on my Turnworth Poor Law Records and I did hear back from the OPC Dorset project. I will take on the Turnworth parish along with the Winterborne Clenstone. These are both very tiny parishes (seldom more than 100 on any census). Turnworth especially is interesting to me as my great grandmother Blake was born, baptized and grew up in this small village. I am not sure how she ended up in Upper Clatford but suspect she was visiting her Knight cousins when she met my great grandfather. The Knight family lived just down the street from him in Upper Clatford. Always fascinating how people meet. I am realizing that in every generation my Blake ancestor always married someone from outside the village although their siblings offered married a local person. Joseph Blake was from Andover and he married Joanna King in Upper Clatford. Their son Thomas married Sarah Coleman from Abbots Ann. Their son John married Ann Farmer from Andover. Their son Edward (my great grandfather) married Maria Jane from Turnworth. Their son Samuel married Edith Bessie Taylor from Kimpton Hampshire. My father of course married in Canada and he was born at Eastleigh Hampshire. Amazing really.

We walked almost out to the point in the park today (about 4 kilometres). We are gradually working up to our much longer walks and bicycle rides soon to happen as the weather improves. It snowed here today but spring is coming!

1 comment:

  1. I just found your website and want to correspond with you about the Blake family of Andover. I have been doing a lot of work on them (mostly pre-1650), and would really like to correspond with you directly but my computer won't let me. I am a new computer with Microsoft Vista, and it won't let me reply to anyone (not even to email I have received!) unless I first manually add their email address to my address book. So when I click on your name on your website, all I get is the error message. If you could write me, I could then add your address to my address book, and then I could send you my report on the Blakes of Andover. My email address is I hope to hear from you soon as I just got to SLC and am about to go to the FHL and start doing some more digging around in Hampshire records.
