Friday, April 10, 2009

Results of Research at Salt Lake City - 9 April 2008

I continued working on the Turnworth Poor Law Records and then started to do a database of the census returns for Turnworth. Samuel Knight is on the 1911 census for Turnworth along with his granddaughter Louisa Blake Hall and his son in law Charles and seven grandchildren including baby Muriel who was six months old and died at 9 months of age. My grandfather never mentioned Louisa or at least I do not recall him mentioning her as his sister - I do remember hearing about a Hall family. My father had forgotten that she was also his aunt but she appears to have lived with her grandparents from the age of 9 at least as she never appears on the census with her family at Upper Clatford.

I am also busy proofreading some material for a study that I am involved with but will slow that down just a little as eye strain is beginning to occur.

I ordered the marriage registration for one of my 2x great grandfather Buller's sisters just to see what was entered in the father's column for both actually. The descendants of this line think that it was a second marriage for Isaac Debnam although it is a known first marriage of Emma Hemsley Buller. I continue trying to discover more about this family and made an exciting discovery searching the BMDs listed on the NA newsletter yesterday. I had not been able to find a marriage for Elizabeth Jane (third sister of my Henry Christopher Buller) and it was in these records. Elizabeth Jane married Edward Churchyard at St Dionis Backchurch in London. A fascinating Church (no longer in use) located just across the Thames River from where they lived in Bermondsey. I also found the Fairburn 1801 map of London and was able to capture two sections with one showing Tooly Street (Christopher Buller had his Slop Shop here) and St Thomas St where they lived which is just two blocks to the south of Tooly. Tooly runs behind the wharves and piers on the southside of the river just past the Tower of London (north side of river) going east. The adjacent portion of the map also on the south side has Grange Road where the Beard and Hemsley families lived. Christopher Buller married Mary Beard. Henry Beard (her father) married Elizabeth Hemsley and the burial of Elizabeth Hemsley Beard in 1781 lists her last address as Grange Road. The burial for a John Hemsley is also Grange Road.

The parents of Christopher Buller and now the parents of Henry Beard continue to elude me. I have a death registration for a Christopher Buller in 1839 at Bromley Kent and it would put his birth at 1757 which would mean that he was 38 when he married Mary Beard (she was likely around 20). Was he in the navy? I think I may start to look at that. Producing naval uniforms would appear to be an appointment so wonder if it is because he is related to the well known Buller family in London or because he was in the navy himself. The death registration lists him as a gentleman and Bromley is not that far from London but one would wonder why he is there as he is 81 years old. The informant was not a family member. Christopher Buller was not a common name at any time period. I just have one sibling of Henry's Robert Huxley (Hemsley?) Buller that I am not able to find after his birth and baptism in 1806. I am hoping that the LMA records soon come online at Ancestry as they will answer a few of my questions perhaps or if I am very lucky many of them.

Today I take a break. I tend to push myself very hard. We will have a lovely long walk. I spent part of the morning listening to services for Good Friday and tomorrow we will go to the evening Labyrinth Liturgy service at the Cathedral. Most of our snow is gone now.

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