Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Computer

I have been contemplating buying a new computer for about a year now and when we were shopping the other day we had noted the "Acer" computer. The "Acer" desktop was an interesting price of less than $500 with a lovely extended monitor (19") a little more and I am now nicely installed on both typing my blog today.

I usually inherited all the hand me down computers through the years that my husband was finished with and this last one was from 2000. The last couple of weeks in particular it was showing its age and searching had become a long laborious wait. The mouse sometimes didn't want to move about the screen and I was a little worried that I might be faced with a sudden computer failure like last year when my computer crashed. Fortunately I had heard this little ticking sound and just felt like something was going wrong. I had extracted all my data to the next hand me down (my youngest daughter's desktop) just in time as it failed to boot up just following a crash after I extracted my last bits of information! I didn't want a repeat performance so decided to be proactive. Normally I back up all of my data so that I would not experience loss of all of that but there are other little things on a computer that you hate to lose. I have all of my emails back to the beginning of my days of email (1995) and my bookmarks on Internet Explorer and Firefox are very important to me. Although I could find them again, some of the sites are unusual and I might forget which ones they are.

So here I am on my new computer and now my scanner can run on my desktop instead of only on my laptop. I can slip my SD card from my camera into this CPU which certainly wasn't a possibility with my old computer. My backup external hard drive can sit beside me so that I can spontaneously backup information whenever I choose without having to make space for my backup drive. This new CPU is just a small tower about 1/4 of the size of the old one. The biggest thing on my desk now is a microfiche reader. It is great having my workstation all set up to receive information now without a lot of interruption. I purchased a three year warranty as well. At that price I do not have to necessarily worry if I have to replace my computer in three years. Actually I will once again start to save for my next computer which will be a small laptop. When we go to Europe and England the next time I would like to have one of the smaller ones as I just use my laptop to collect information (images and data) and to use Skype to communicate back home. I do not need a large machine to do that.

Today is our day to work on Fruit Chili Sauce so that once again my genealogical endeavours must take a back seat. I need to get back to the Hinxman wills and I had meant to send my effort thus far back to my respondent but I didn't get along as far as I wanted to do. As I looked at the copy I realize that I have nearly read the entire text of the will with fill in here and there so will try to send that to him by the weekend. The inventory will take a little longer. This new screen may prove to be very beneficial as I can have the will on one side and the document on the other side of the screen. I have been doing top and bottom but it has not been smooth!

Fruit chili sauce all bottled and I did manage to do a little work on the will this afternoon. It is an interesting will as he refers to his shop (I am not sure what he did for a living but he might have been a draper). I am having a little trouble with the words that he uses to describe equipment in his shop. I shall have to have another go at the inventory as that would assist me with the main will.

Tomorrow I will continue with the will and spend some time on the Great Driffield film.

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