Sunday, December 6, 2009

Kipp and Link families

We decided to have a look for a microwave and spent most of the day going from store to store looking for the exact one that we had in mind. Along the way I decided to have a look at the suits on sale at the Bay. By the time we got there most of them were gone apparently although there was one that caught my eye. I decided that I didn't need a grey suit though and we wandered about looking for the red blouse that I had seen at the Bay at Place and wanted to replace the old red one that I have for my black suit. It was in a petite and I really wanted a regular size. I didn't find it but came across the dress that I first saw for our daughter's wedding. It was greatly reduced and I decided spontaneously to buy it and so I now have it for the wedding. I had been tempted to go back and buy it but wasn't sure that I wanted to spend such a large sum for a one time wearing of a dress. At the reduced price I decided to do that and perhaps I will wear it again. It is a dress for Fall and we are just into the late stages now. It is more colourful than my light grey panne velvet dress that I made. I like it and will wear it other times but really had liked this other dress first. I need to try it on with my black shoes now to see if I like that or if I should buy a pair of shoes that blend with the dress.

After going to a few shops and then a recommendation by our daughter and son in law to be we ended up finding the microwave that we really wanted. Smaller than our old one and some new bells and whistles - our salmon fish cakes reheated beautiful in the oven which has an inversion feature that encourages equal heating. Usually we would have to heat longer to get the same heating. It was not very expensive either and fits beautifully into the cabinet that my husband made (a particle board one from Canadian Tire that we purchased a couple of days ago).

When we decided to upgrade our house and appliances this summer we were thinking that it will help the economy. Likely others are doing the same and that is what is helping our economy to come back again. The sales though are incredible and hopefully will also help the retail section to recover.

Other than that no genealogy being done on my families still and not likely until the new year. I have quite a few backlog items that I need to work on including my Genuki Hampshire webpages. I need to consider whether I am the best person to do the webpages or should I advertise for someone new to take up the project. The Hampshire pages look good but I do not have a lot of new information. It is basic information but very handy for finding material on particular villages/towns/cities. I had hoped to do more but there are always copyright issues for some of the material. I need to avoid being in conflict with copyright.

I am gradually stepping down from many of my commitments. I would like more time to do my own research and I also want to start sewing each day (and knitting) and I want to watch one movie (or two) a day before we can no longer watch our VHS tapes! We have over 1000 tapes that we have purchased over the last 25 years. We have also managed to acquired over 200 DVDs. We tend to buy them on special (the old movies) for $6.00 or so. Some of the newer ones can be acquired for $10.00 or less. Although you can rent them fairly cheaply we like to rewatch some and tend to buy those. We also rent quite a few movies through a year.

We also got the lights up yesterday and bought a wreath for the front of the house. It has a lovely red velvet ribbon and lots of pine cones. We are starting to look Christmasy and the next item is the Christmas Tree. The Advent Candles look nice on the table and the manger scene will go up a little late today.

This has been a busy year of travel for us. We have again spent almost two months in total in the United States with our daughter. We have traveled to New York/Long Island, Boston/Cape Cod and environs, Fort Wayne Indiana, Milwaukee Wisconsin and in Canada we have been to Toronto, to London. We have been away from home for slightly over 1/4 of the year. Our travels take us to genealogical repositories for the most part and our expenses tend to be fairly low (which is good as we are retired!) with the cost of lodging and food being the largest part.

Our time at the Ontario Archives was really great as we had a hotel nearby and we spent most of the day at the Archives with a short commute and parking available at the site. The new Archives is a marvelous building. We want to spend some time at Kingston Anglican Church archives and the Toronto Anglican Church archives this year to try and find the marriage of John Link and Mary Magdalene (surname unknown). Mary Magdalene is only found on the census once and her burial at Falkland is known. On the census she states that she is from England and born in 1821. We know that John Link was at East Gwillimbury by 1839 and this is the likely time frame for the marriage (1838 to 1842). Thus far the searching has not yielded a possible marriage for these two but it is possible that they married at Kingston (or the area) or in Toronto itself. We need to spread further afield and that is one of our concentrations for this year. That one record would see my husband proved back to all of his 2x great grandparents and he has a lot of his 3x great grandparents except for the Kipp line. That is the other project that we continue to work on - any evidence on Kipp members in New York State. We have evidence that points to there plus family lore. We hope to do some more work in Dutchess County this year.

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