Saturday, January 30, 2010

Doutre family

Still working on the Matte-Gagnon family, I decided to continue working on Josephte Doutre as I was having no luck at all with Olivier Gagnon.

Josephte Doutre is named Josette Doutre on the census. She was born at Plantagenet ON 5 Jan 1825 and baptized 9 Feb 1825 at Montébello (the priest duly recorded that she had been born at Plantagenet which was most helpful). Her parents were Etienne Denis Doutre and Victoire Lalonde from her baptism and the marriage which I obtained online (can not find on ancestry yet) 26 Jun 1844 at Saint Luc, Curran, Prescott County, Ontario. Although I prefer to find the marriage, finding Josephte's baptism which agrees with the online record of Etienne Doutre as her father and Victoire Lalonde as her mother I decided to find their marriage. Etienne Doutre and Victoire Lalonde were married at St Michel, Vaudreuil 4 Feb 1822. She was his second marriage.

Parents of Etienne Doutre: Féréole Doutre and Marie Cecile Forgette dite Despatie who married 28 Feb 1775 at Terrebonne. He was a soldier sent from France in the late 1750s.

Féréole Doutre parents were: Joseph Doutre and Francisca Sobraques.

Marie Cecile Forgette dite Despatie's parents were Jean Baptiste Despatie dit Forgette and Marie-Anne Ménard. They were married 29 Oct 1738 at Ste Famille, Boucherville. I continued tracing back through the Despatie dit Forgette and Ménard families.

Looking at Jean Baptiste Despatie dit Forgette and his parents were: Jean Baptiste Forgette and Jeanne Beaudouin and they married 22 Nov 1700 at Repentigny. Continuing with the Forgette dite Despatie line, the parents of Jean Baptiste were Nicolas Forgette dite Despatie and Marie Madeleine Martin who married at Québec City 6 Feb 1653. Nicolas' parents were Paul Forgette and Nicole Chevalier who married in France. Marie Madeleine Martin's parents were Abraham Martin and Marguerite Langlois and they married in France. I need to find baptisms for all of these individuals.

Then looking at Jeanne Beaudouin's parents who were: Jean Baudouyn and Charlotte Chauvin. They married the 27 Nov 1663 at Notre-Dame, Montréal. Surprisingly the baptism of Charlotte Chauvin was 5 Apr 1651 at Montréal (which would make her only 12 years old so perhaps the baptism was delayed). Her parents were Michel Chauvain and Anne Archambault who married 27 July 1647 at Québec City. Their marriage records their parents as Gabriel Chauvain and Marie Arouard and Jacques Archambault and Francoise Toros (both recorded as parishes in France). Jean Baudouyn's parents were Jean Baudouyn and Jeanne Berthet (recorded as parishes in France).

Now to try and find Olivier Gagnon's line tomorrow.

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