Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bertrand Family

The Bertrand family of French Canadian descent is very well published. Initially I was unable to attach Antoinette to her correct Bertrand family line. I still have not found the marriage registration for Antoinette Bertrand and Marius Mourier in 1877 at Hull Québec. Today, I shall again search out the death registration on Ancestry to see if I am able to locate one for Antoinette Bertrand now that 1936 is available.The death registration for Marius Mourier gives the name of his father as Jean Calixte Mourier. Her father is listed as Julien Bertrand and her mother as Antoinette Séguin. Since I am unable to find the marriage registration thus far, finding her parents on the death registration is the next best thing (and she is identified correctly as the widow of Marius Mourier). The informant was her younger daughter Marie Louise Proulx.

This verification is excellent as the published source that I found listed her parents as Julien Vital Bertrand and Antoinette Séguin.

Again I will place the Bertrand family into folders and thus far I only have the last two generations with the pertinent documents. One project for this family will be to pull all the documents available back to the emigrant ancestor. In this case, the emigrant ancestor was Jean Bertrand who married Marie Charlotte Brard 23 Sep 1697 at Notre-Dame, Montréal. Looking at Tanguay, (although I have found a few errors in Tanguay I still consider this to be the best reference tool in terms of looking at an entire family of an emigrant) there are a number of Jean Bertrand marriages and according to the published records bringing us down to Julien Vital Bertrand we would select their son Jacques who married Marie Louise Dumouchel 19 Sep 1729 at Notre Dame, Montréal. Their son Michel Louis married Marie Josephte Boyer dit St-Germain 10 Aug 1778 at Saint Michel, Vaudreuil. Their son Antoine married Marie Josephte Cholet 11 Jan 1802 at Saint Michel, Vaudreuil. Julien Vital was a son of this couple. Tanguay only takes us to Michel Louis being identified as the son of Jacques Bertrand married to Marie Louise Dumouchel. but it is a good starting point. I need to then locate the marriage of Julien Vital Bertrand and Anoinette Séguin which I did by writing to a rootsweb site which promised lookups of the Registers at St Jean Baptiste, L'Orignal, Prescott, Ontario. This is also on the nosorigines website. I also found on WorldConnect

Married: 07 FEB 1842 in Paroisse Saint-Jean-Baptiste, L'Orignal, Comté de Prescott, Ontario, Canada 3
    * Note:

          Original :
          M.5 Julien Vital Bertrand & Antoinette Seguin
          On the seventh of February eighteen hundred and forty two, after two publications of banns at our parochial mase of L'Orignal, I the undersigned priest have joined & maried Julien Vital Bertrand son of age of Antoine Bertrand and of the late Joseph Cholette and to Antoinette Séguin daughter of Hiacinthe Seguin and of Monique Villeneuve of Hawkesbury in presence of Pierre Chabot & Marc Rochon
          Signature :
          P. Lefaivre Ptre

          Translation :
          M.5 Julien Vital Bertrand & Antoinette Seguin
          Le sept Février mil huit cent quarante et deux, après la publication de deux bans aux messes paroissiales de L'Orignal. Je prêtre soussigné ai joint et marié Julien Vital Bertrand fils majeur d'Antoine Bertrand et de feue Joseph Cholette et a Antoinette Séguin fille de Hiacinthe Seguin et de Monique Villeneuve de Hawkesbury en présence de Pierre Chabot & Marc Rochon
          Signature :
          P. Lefaivre Ptre

Short of seeing the original register all of these items, the transcription is certainly very convincing.

The parents of Julien Vital Bertrand are named as Antoine Bertrand and Marie Josephte Cholet. It would appear that Julien Vital Bertrand has moved on from Vaudreuil where he was born and from Rigaud where his mother was buried in 1836 to L'Original. . This is a distance of approximately 20 kilometres.

From Wikipedia(,_Ontario):

L'Orignal is a village and former municipality, now part of Champlain Township in eastern Ontario, Canada. It likely took its name from its location on the Ottawa River once known as Pointe à l'Orignal (French for "Moose Point"), where moose crossed the river.

The marriage of Antoine Bertrand and Marie Josephte Cholet was celebrated 11 Jan 1802 at St Michel, Vaudreuil. I did find the scan of their marriage on ancestry and downloaded a copy to my files. However, Tanguay does not have this marriage so I must work my way back another generation to Michel Louis Bertrand and Marie Josephte Boyer dit St Germain who married 10 Aug 1778 at St Michel, Vaudreuil according to the published information on this family. Both Louis Michel and Marie Josephte appear to be widowed at the time of their marriage. One notes from given baptismal records that Louis Michel would have been 41 years of age and Marie Josephte 37 years of age. In order to find the parents of Luis Michel I need to find his first marriage. His first wife was Marie Charlotte Bertrand and they married 10 June 1763 at LaPrairie. Louis Michel parents were recorded as Jacques Bertrand and Marie Louise Dumouchelle. Tanguay records their marriage as 19 Sep 1729 at Montréal which I shall verify on my next study day for the Bertrand family. So Jean is the first generation, Jacques is the second generation, Louis Michel is the third generation, Antoine is the fourth generation, Julien Vital is the fifth generation and Antoinette is the sixth generation. I can now separate the files into folders with the Bertrand folder.

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