Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tremblay and Labelle Families

The Tremblay Family is very well published at Library and Archives Canada. When I was first searching for the marriage of Rosalie Tremblay and Homère Grégoire I was finding it quite difficult to put this family together. I found them on the census and eventually I found their marriage 6 Apr 1902 at Embrun ON. But I still have not found their baptisms. Finding their marriage did give me their parents' names which was very helpful. The Marriage Registration reads: Groom Homère Grégoire, Age 25, Residence Embrun, Place of Birth Embrun, Bachelor, Labourer, Parents Antoine Grégoire and Delima Ladéroute, Bride Rosalie Tremblay, Age17, Residence Embrun, Place of Birth Grenville, Sinster, Parents Delphis Tremblay and Lucie Labelle, Witnesses: Israel Grégoire and Delphis Tremblay both of Embrun.

Part of my confusion with the wife of Antoine Grégoire was this entry Delima Ladéroute for his wife.  Since she was also referred to as Rosa Séguin I wondered if I had two different wives but eventually I was able to prove they were one and the same person but more on that with the Séguin dit Ladéroute family.

The marriage of Adolphus Tremblay and Lucie Labelle was 4 Aug 1879 at Notre Dame de Sept Doleurs, Grenville Québec. Going from Delphis to Adolfus was simplified with the census.

M 15 Tremblay Adolfus et Labelle Lucie

Le quatre Aout mil huit cent soixante dix neuf au
la publication de trois bans de mariage faite au
prones de nos messes paroissiales entre Adol
fus Tremblay journ. fils mineur de Lucien Trem
blay journ. et de Marie Blondin de cette paroisse
d'une part; et Lucie Labelle, fille mineure de
France Labelle, Cultiv. et de feu Marcéline Lacro
ix de cette paroisse d'autre part; ne s'étant
découvert aucun empechement nous curé sous
signé de cette paroisse avons du consentes
ments des parents des dits mineurs, reçu leur
mutuel consentement de mariage et leur av
ons donné la bénédiction nuptiale en pré
sence de George Mailloux et de Clémence
Labelle, qui ont déclaré ne savoir signer
Oal. Bérube, P[re]tre

Reaching back this one generation however did not take me back far enough to look at any of these families in Tanguay. I continued to work backwards with the marriages. Lucien Tremblay married to Marie Bernard 12 Feb 1833 at Montebello appeared to be the closest to Marie Blondin but did involve a fair amount of searching. The father of Marie Bernard was François Bernard dit LaFrançois and her mother Charlotte Robin. The parents of Lucien Tremblay were Michel Tremblay and Ursule Gagnon.

M 2 Lucien Tremblay et Marie Bernard

Le douze Fevrier mil huit cent trente trois après la publication
ordinaires entre Lucien Tremblay domicilie en cette paroisse fils
majeur de Michel Tremblay et de Ursule Gagnon de cette paroisse d'un
part et Marie Bernard domiciliee dans le township de Plantagenet
dans la province de haut Canada fille mineure de feu François
Bernard dit Lafrançois et de defunte Charlotte Colin inconnu
vivant de la paroisse de la rivière du Chene d'autre part; nous
Pretre soussigné Cure de cette paroisse et autorisé a faire
les fonctions Curiales dans la diocèse de Kingston de l'agréement
des parens et nous avons reçu le mutuel consentement de
mariage des parties par paroles de présent et leur avons donné
la bénédiction nuptial suivant la forme proscrite par Notre
Mère la Sainte Eglise et en présence de Michel Tremblay
père de l'époux de Casimir Trembly son frère, de Louis Jean Chan___
son beaufrère de Louis Blondin dit _uce le cousine de l'épouse qui
_____ les époux et plusieurs autres parents et amis ont declaré ne savoir signer
M. Power Pretre

This only brought me back to 1833 on the Tremblay side. I decided to work my way back on the Tremblay side to see if I could find a marriage which Tanguay reported for this family. The mariage of Michel Tremblay and Ursule Gagnon 4 Jun 1793 at Baie St-Paul was a very faint scan but eventually I was able to read it sufficiently to determine that the parents of Michel Tremblay were Louis-Marie Tremblay and likely Marie Girard which is also the choice of many posting this couple to World Connect and published Tremblay family studies. Continuing to track the Tremblay family the marriage of Louis-Marie Tremblay and Marie-Anne Victoire Girard was celebrated 12 Jan 1757 at Baie St Paul. This marriage is in Tanguay and working backwards through Tanguay the parents of Louis-Marie Tremblay were Nicolas Tremblay and Louise Simard who married 18 Jan 1724 at Baie St Paul. The parents of Nicolas Tremblay were Pierre Tremblay and Marie Roussin (his second wife) who married 15 Nov 1685 at L'Ange-Gardien. Pierre's first marriage was to Madeleine Simard 3 Nov 1683 at Ste Anne. The parents of Pierre Tremblay were Pierre Tremblay and Ozanne Achon 2 Oct 1657 at Québec City. This first Pierre was the emigrant from France and will be Generation 1. Generation 2 is Pierre Tremblay his son. Generation 3 is Nicolas Tremblay. Generation 4 is Louis-Marie Tremblay. Generation 5 is Michel Tremblay. Generation 6 is Lucien Tremblay. Generation 7 is Joseph Delphis Tremblay. Generation 8 is Rosalie Tremblay who married Homère Grégoire.

The present generation is descended from two children of Pierre Tremblay and Ozanne Achon - Pierre as mentioned and Jeanne Tremblay who married Antoine Perron 15 Jan 1691 at L'Ange-Gardien.  More on the Perron family later. Jeanne is in Generation 2.

The present generation is descended from three children of Pierre Tremblay and Marie Roussin - Nicolas as mentioned. Second Marie-Madeleine Tremblay their daughter married Joseph Gagnon 10 Apr 1709 at Baie St Paul. Marie-Madeleine is in Generation 3. Third Etienne Tremblay married to Marie Fortin 12 Nov 1715 at Baie St Paul. Etienne is in Generation 3. Their daughter Cecile Tremblay married Joseph Simard 16 Jan 1742 at Les Eboulements. Cecile is in Generation 4. I prepared the folders for the Tremblay family and the next research day for the Tremblay family will be spent collecting any missing registrations for them.

Returning now to the marriage of Joseph Delphis Tremblay and Lucie Labelle and looking at the parents of Lucie Labelle I found a marriage for François Labelle and Marcélline Lacroix 19 Feb 1855 at Notre Dame de Sept Doleurs, Grenville, Québec. Collecting this marriage I found the parents of François Labelle to be Antoine Labelle and Clémence Potvin who married 3 Jun 1834 at St Martin (Laval). From their marriage registration the parents of Antoine Labelle were Jean Baptiste Labelle and Louise Legault who in turn married 11 Jan 1808 at Ste Rose de Lima (Laval). This marriage is not listed in Tanguay and finding their marriage the parents of Jean Baptiste Labelle were Jean Baptiste Labelle and Marie Josephte Valiquette who married 30 Sep 1771 at St Vincent de Paul. Nor is this marriage in Tanguay and searching through the parents of Jean Baptiste Labelle were Jean François Labelle and Marie Madeleine Vandendaigue who married 24 Nov 1738 at St François de Sales. This marriage is listed in Tanguay and Madeleine was the first wife of Jean François Labelle. The parents of Jean François were Jean François Labelle and Denise Major who married 9 Sep 1711 and Pointe aux Trembles. The parents of Jean François Labelle were Guillaume Labelle and Anne Charbonneau who married 23 Nov 1671 at Notre Dame in Montréal. Guillaume Labelle is the emigrant as far as I can tell thus far so he is Generation 1. Checking to see if this is correct in the marriage registration but I can only find the Guillaume Label to Marie Garnier marriage in the Index (lists only the name of Groom and Bride) 23 Sep 1761. I note that the mother of Anne Charbonneau according to others is Marie Marguerite Garnier - perhaps the indexer made an error. This discrepancy must be worked out somehow. Checking the registers for Notre Dame in Montréal does not answer that question as they do not include marriages for 1671.

What we do know for sure is that Guillaume Labelle is likely the emigrant and so he is Generation 1. Jean François is Generation 2 and he married twice with two lines of descent (one from each marriage) but also the present generation is descended from four children of Guillaume Labelle and Anne Charbonneau. Secondly, Magdeleine Labelle married Louis Filiatreau 9 Jan 1700 at Repentigny and is in Generation 2. Thirdly, Catherine Labelle married Pierre Nadon 26 Apr 1711 (date of contract) at Ile de Jesus and is in Generation 2. Fourthly, Angélique Labelle married Joseph Ethier 28 Nov 1713 at St François de Sales and is in Generation 2.

Jean François married first Denise Major 9 Sep 1711 at Point aux Trembles and is in Generation 2. He married second Catherine Berloin dite Nantel 24 Apr 1718 at St François de Sales (Laval) and this marriage is also in Generation 2. Their daughter Marie Marguerite Labelle married Ignace Paquet and is in Generation 3. Jean François Labelle and Denise Major's son Jean François Labelle married Marie Madeleine Vandendaigue and he is in Generation 3 as well.

Generation 4 is Jean Baptiste Labelle married to Marie Josephte Valiquette.

Generation 5 is Jean Baptiste Labelle married to Louise Legault.

Generation 6 is Antoine Labelle married to Clémence Potvin.

Generation 7 is François Labelle married to Marcélline Lacroix.

Generation 8 is Lucie Labelle and she married Joseph Delphis Tremblay.

The next session on Tremblay and Labelle I will continue to pull out the scans for the baptisms, marriages and burials.

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