Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pearse Family of South Molton Devon

Martha Pearse married Philip Rowcliffe 9 Apr 1760 at South Molton which I discussed yesterday. I have the fiche for South Molton and overtime have looked at the Pearse family there quite thoroughly. Martha was the daughter of Philip Pearse and Grace Hobbs. One of my reasons for looking at these individual family lines is to make sure that I have captured all the images from the fiche that I have at hand for this family line. Martha's baptism reads simply Martha daughter of Philip Pearse January 23  [1736]. The marriage lines read Philip Pearse married with Grace Hobbs by Banns Aprill 7 [1728]. No other details are available.Why should I conclude that this is my Martha? The Protestation Returns (1641-42) at South Molton list:

Pearse    Alexander   
Pearse    Christopher    Sen
Pearse    Christopher    Jun
Pearse    George   
Pearse    Henry   
Pearse    Humphrey   
Pearse    John    Sen
Pearse    John   
Pearse    John   
Pearse    John   
Pearse    Oliver   
Pearse    Philip   
Pearse    Philip   
Pearse    Simon   
Pearse    William 

There were a substantial number of Pearse families at South Molton.

Pearse marriages at South Molton

Day    Month    Year    Groom Surname    Groom Forename    Bride Surname    Bride Forename
10    Nov    1604    Pearce    John    Moore    Peternell
15    Jan    1619    Pearce    John    Huctstable    Agnes
29    Oct    1623    Pearse    Hugh    Sheerland    Marye
1    Oct    1627    Pearse    John    Cannyforde    Jane
18    Oct    1628    Pearse    Christofer    Walron    Mary
15    Jan    1628    Pearse    John    Kinge    Maude
14    Oct    1632    Pearse    Robert    Beere    Christian
19    Jun    1638    Pierce    John    Cole    Rebecca
18    Sep    1639    Pearce    Samuel    Carpenter    Agnes
9    Sep    1658    Pearce    Henry    Shopland    Emmott
30    Jan    1670    Pearse    John    Woollocot    Joane
23    Aug    1681    Pearse    Robert    Jess    Agnis
9    May    1686    Pearce    John    Gwythers    Martha
27    Oct    1712    Pearse    Phillip    Turner    Grace
4    May    1720    Pearse    Christopher    Dunning    Mary
20    Jan    1720    Pearse    William    Harries    Joan
22    Oct    1721    Pearse    Christopher    Tapscott    Hannah
9    Feb    1723    Pearse    Philip    Parramore    Joan
7    Apr    1728    Pearse    Philip    Hobbs    Grace

There were only two Martha Rowcliffes buried at South Molton and Philip Rowcliffe was buried there 22 Mar 1802. The two are 7 Jan 1798 or 26 Mar 1802.

I shall draw all the Rowcliffes out of the fiche just to see why I so arbitrarily chose Philip Pearse and Grace Hobbs as the parents of Martha Pearse.  Mind you the mother of Philip was likely Martha Gwythers but that I would also like to verify.

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