Sunday, August 7, 2011

Will of Bartholomew Pincombe - PROB 11/262 - Image Reference - 146/127

I purchased this will of Bartholomew Pincombe a few years back but again I had only read it so decided to transcribe it next although I do not know the parents of Bartholomew. He lived at North Molton and the date of his death was prior to 10 Feb 1656/57 with the will being written 4 Dec 1656. Although his will doesn't say he was married at least twice, that information is available looking at the International Genealogical Index (IGI). Frances's mother was Frances and the John's and Richord's mother was Joane (these three children are mentioned in the will).

Frances baptized 12 Dec 1647 at North Molton daughter of Bartholomew and Frances Pincombe

Richorde baptized 19 Feb 1649 at North Molton daughter of Bartholomew and Joane Pincombe
John baptized 27 Nov 1654 at North Molton son of Bartholomew and Joane Pincombe

I do have the fiche for North Molton and will be transcribing the parish registers there this winter. That will let me find the marriages perhaps and I might even be able to learn more about Bartholomew. But since he kindly left a will and mentioned his friend Thomas Pincombe I will work away at his line and try to connect him into the Pincombe family at North Molton as part of my one name study for Pincombe. Calling Thomas his friend rather than his cousin always leaves one wondering if they were indeed related.

Interestingly Richard Pincombe baptized a son Bartholomew at Chittlehampton 24 Dec 1653. The Pincombe family at Chittlehampton are (from the earlier study) descendant of the Pincombe family at South Molton. This Richard is said to be the son of John Pincombe and Mary Carew. Richard Pincombe was said to have married Jane Bond 30 Jul 1652 and Bartholomew was their first child. There is more to this particular story that I will try to present later.

The will of Bartholomew Pincombe:

Recorded: 7 August 2011
Source: Public Record Office, London, UK, PROB 11/262 - Image Reference - 146/127
Place: South Molton, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 4 Dec 1656 (probated 10 Feb 1656/57)
Condition: image, light, old English writing

[In margin] T[estator] Bartholomew Pincombe

1    In the name of God Amen
2    The fourth day of december Yn the yeare of our Lord God One
3    Thousand six hundred fiftie six I Bartholomew Pincombe of the
4    Parish of North Moulton in the Countie of Devon Husbandman being sick
5    of bodie but perfect of remembrance Laud and praise be unto Almightie
6    God doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner
7    and forme following First I bequeath my Soule unto Almightie God and
8    my Bodie to the Christian buriall Item I give unto John Pincombe my sonne
9    Twenty pounds of good and lawful monie of England to be paid him when
10    he shall accomplish and be of the age of one and twentie yeares Item I
11    give unto the said John Pincombe my Sonne after the decease of Johane
12    Pincombe my now Wife my best bedstead and bedd with all his furniture
13    belonging to the said Bedstead and bedd and my Cypresse Chest Item I give
14    unto Frances Pincombe my daughter Twenty pounds of good and lawfull
15    monie of England to be paid when she shall accomplish and be of the age of
16    one and twenty yeares Item I give unto Richourd Pincombe my daughter
17    twenty pounds of good and Lawfull monie of England to be paid when she
18    shall accomplish and be of the age of one and twentie yeares Provided alwaies
19    and my will is that if the said John Pincombe Francies Pincombe or Richaurd
21    Pincombe happen to decease before they shall accomplish and be of the saide age
22    of one and twentie yeares That then the portion afore given of him or them
23    soe deceased shall remaine equallie unto the Survivours or Survivour of
24    him
    [page 2]
25    him or them that shall accomplish and be of the said age of one and twen
26    ty yeares Item all the rest of my Worldly goods not afore given nor bequeathed
27    my debts and legacies paid and my funerall discharged I give unto Joane
28    Pincombe my nowe Wife whome I make my whole and sole Executrix of
29    this my last Will and Testament and disanulling all former Wills and quites
30    I approve and alowe this onlie to be my last Will and Testament And
31    I doe desire and request that my good freinds Thomas Pincombe and Roger Abott
32    to be my Overseers of this my last Will and Testament In Witnesse whereof
33    I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale Ys ben the day and yeare first above
34    written The Signe of Bartholomew Pincombe Sealed and signed in presence
35    of John Barrows [signed] Thomas Pincombe [signed] The signe of Roger Abott
36    This will was proved att London the
37    Tenth day of February In the Yeare of our Lord God One Thousand six
38    hundred fiftie and Six (English Style) before the Judge for probate of Wills
39    and granting Administration law fullie authorized by the oath of Joane
40    Pincombe the Relict and sole and onlie Executrix named in the above written
41    will To whome Administration of all and singular the goods Chattells and
42    debts of the said deceased was graunted and committed she being first
43    legallie sworne by vertue of a Commission trulie and faythfully to Administer
44    the same

Of interest and from the Devon Genuki pages on Freeholders (1700s) there are no Pincombe members listed at North Molton. Although the Pincombe family definitely begins in North Molton/East Buckland/Filleigh they have disappeared as freeholders from this area by the 1700s. This is beautiful country as I mentioned earlier. The roads pass through farmland as you head towards East Buckland and then return to South Molton thus following a triangle bisected by the highway A361. We arrived at A361 via M5 traveling the length to Barnstaple on the western end. When we visit England the next time we will rent a car and take this highway once again but turning north at Tiverton to go up into Somerset and the Selworthy area where my Rew/Siderfin/Moggridge etc. families lived and also there was a Pincombe family that lived in this area. It will be interesting to see if I can figure out the line for this Pincombe family.

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