Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Will of Richard Pincombe, Poughill, Devon - 19 Nov 1656 (probated 10 Apr 1658) - PROB 11/274 - Image Reference - 526/458

After doing Bartholomew Pincombe's will, the next one to logically look at is the Will of Richard Pincombe of Poughill, Devon. The earlier Pincombe one name study researchers have this to be the Richard Pincombe who married Jane Bond 30 Jul 1652 at Chittlehampton. However, in his will he makes no mention of a wife Jane or children attributed to him. Perhaps mostly importantly the parish registers of Chittlehampton have this Richard still alive after 1658.

Pincombe entries in the Chittlehampton Parish Registers up to 1694.

Service            County    Parish            Year    Month    Day    Surname    Forename    Condition    Father     Mother   

Christening    Chittlehampton    1577    Mar    28    Pincombe    Helen    daughter    Pincombe, Richard        
Christening     Chittlehampton    1652    Feb    3    Pincombe    Willyam    son    Pyncombe, Willyam
 Christening    Chittlehampton     1653    Dec 24    Pincombe   Bartholomew son  Pincombe, Richard
 Christening    Chittlehampton    1654    Dec     4    Pincombe    Richard    son    Pincombe, Richard              Christening     Chittlehampton    1654    Jan    11    Pincombe    Baldwin    son    Pincombe, William              
Christening     Chittlehampton    1656    Feb    20    Pincombe    John & Mary    twins    Pincombe, Wm       
Burial            Chittlehampton    1656    Feb    24    Pincombe    John    son    Pincombe, William                    Christening    Chittlehampton    1657    Apr    11    Pincombe    Margarett    daughter    Pincombe, Richd    
Christening     Chittlehampton    1658    Dec    29    Pincombe    Mary    daughter    Pincombe, William         
Burial            Chittlehampton    1658    Jul    13    Pincombe    Mary    daughter    Pincombe, William            
Burial            Chittlehampton    1658    Jul    23    Pincombe    Baldwin    son    Pincombe, William               
Christening    Chittlehampton    1659    Jan    26    Pincombe    William    son    Pincombe, Richard                
Christening    Chittlehampton    1660    Dec    6    Pincombe    Sallorny    daughter    Pincombe, William        
Burial            Chittlehampton    1660    Dec    31    Pincombe    Sallomy    daughter    Pincombe, William      
Christening    Chittlehampton    1662    Jun    30    Pincombe    Baldwine    son    Pincombe, William             
Christening    Chittlehampton    1662    Jan    20    Pincombe    Elizabeth    daughter    Pincombe, Richard      
Christening    Chittlehampton    1664    Aug    2    Pincombe    Sallony    daughter    Pincombe, William         
Christening    Chittlehampton    1666    Apr    4    Pincombe    Sarah & Martha     twins    Pincombe, Wm     
Christening    Chittlehampton    1668    Oct    15    Pincombe    Susanna    daughter    Pincombe, Richard      
Christening    Chittlehampton    1671    Jul    30    Pincombe    William    son    Pincombe, Humphrey             
Burial            Chittlehampton    1671    Mar    30    Pincombe    Baldwine    son    Pincombe, William            
Christening    Chittlehampton    1673    May    23    Pincombe    Mary    daughter    Pincombe, Richard         
Burial            Chittlehampton    1673    Mar    26    Pincombe    Agnes    wife    Pincombe, William               
Burial            Chittlehampton    1673    Jun    21    Pincombe    Jane    wife    Pincombe, Richard                    Burial            Chittlehampton    1673    Jul    22    Pincombe    Richard                               
Burial            Chittlehampton    1675    Nov    6    Pincombe    Margery    wife    Pincombe, William              
Christening    Chittlehampton    1676    Jul    27    Pincombe    Symon    son    Pincombe Junior, William         Christening    Chittlehampton    1689    Oct    29    Pincombe    John    son    Pincombe, John                       
Christening    Chittlehampton    1691    Jan    1    Pincombe    Francis    son    Pincombe, John                       
Burial            Chittlehampton    1692    Oct    19    Pincombe    William                               
Christening    Chittlehampton    1694    Dec    4    Pincombe    Richard    son    Pincombe, John                     
Burial            Chittlehampton    1694    Mar    5    Pincombe    Francis    son    Pincombe, John                       

Although I found this marriage on the IGI I did not find it in the Chittlehampton Parish Registers when we visited Salt Lake City. But I could have missed it and would check that again when next we are there just to see the copy (the reference M05044-1) is the original register.

Richard Pyncombe

marriage:    30 Jul 1652 —Chittlehampton, Devon, England
spouse:    Jane Bond
groom's name:    Richard Pyncombe
bride's name:    Jane Bond
marriage date:    30 Jul 1652
marriage place:    Chittlehampton,Devon,England
indexing project (batch) number:    M05044-1

But the question remains which line of Pincombe is at Chittlehampton? Why did the earlier research group link this Richard back to the John Pincombe/Mary Carew family at South Molton? It is unlikely that they looked at the Visitation or the Wills unfortunately. This particular line has been picked up by a number of descendants of the Chittlehampton family as their ancestry and correcting this discrepancy will not be an easy matter. I suspect one of the reasons may be the name of Joan Bond. One of the executors of the grandfather of Richard Pincombe was John Bond and possibly that was the reason for linking these families. The information for the North and South Molton pedigree charts though was from a family researcher to the individuals doing the Pincombe one name study. In the list of baptisms/burials for Chittlehampton the first in the list is for Helen daughter of Richard Pincombe and baptized 28 Mar 1577. I did not find any more Pincombe entries until the 1650s. Who was this Richard? Was he a son of John Pincombe (died 1604) and brother to John Pincombe married to Amy Doddridge)? If this could be proven then it would be a similar line. But the chart shows Richard to be older by one year than John and he would have thus inherited the property perhaps rather than his brother. All the more reason to acquire the images that show the property which was passed from John (d 1604) to his son John (died 1604/05). It would be interesting to solve that mystery in the Pincombe line although it is not my direct line it is part of the one name study for Pincombe.

The will of Richard Pincombe of Poughill and son of John Pincombe and Mary Carew.

Recorded: 8 August 2011
Source: Public Record Office, London, UK, PROB 11/274 - Image Reference - 526/458
Place: Poughill, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 19 Nov 1656 (probated 10 Apr 1658)
Read: File d:/01-wip/workingfile/family/pincombe/Wills/Richard_Pincombe-1656-458.pdf
Condition: image, light, old English writing

Richard Pincombe

1    I Richard Pincombe of
2    of Poughill in the Countie of Devon Esquire being sick of body but
3    of perfect memorie (thankes be to Almightie God) doe make this
4    my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following. The
5    nineteenth day of November one Thousand Six hundred Fiftie Six
6    Revoking all former Wills and Testaments by mee formerlie made
7    First I give my Soule into the hands of almightie God hopeing by
8    the merritts of Christ Jesus my blessed Saviour to be eternally saved
9    and to have a ioyfull resurection. Item I give to Phillip Hole Servant
10    to my Mother All my Two Tenements lying in Marwood in the county
11    of Devon worth about twenty two pounds per Annum for four score
12    and nineteene yeares if he live soe long: Item I give to John Card
13    All my Tenements lying in Littleham in the Countie of Devon lately
14    in the tenure of the Widdow Short worth Eighteene pounds per Annum
15    for fourscore and nineteene yeares yf three Lives shall soe long live Item
16    I give to Davis Evans Servant to my Mother one Tenement lying
17    in Instow in the Countie of Devon of fourteene pounds per Annum
18    for fourscore and nineteene yeares yf he live soe long Item I give all the
19    rest of my Lands, Tenements and hereditaments Goods and Chattells
21    to my deare Mother during her life she paying my debts and fune
22    ralls And after her decease to my three Sisters and the heires of theire
23    bodies lawfully to be begotten if they marry with consent of my Mother
24    and my Cozen Doddridge and for default of such issue to the right heires
25    of mee the said Richard Pincombe my true meaning being That my three
26    Sisters shall inioy my Lands Tenements and hereditaments to them
27    and the heires of theire bodies, but shall have noe power to alien them in
28    anie other manner but that after theire death without issue it shall
29    come to my right heires. Item I make my Mother and my Cozen Doddridge
30    my ioynt Executors of this my last Will and Testament Item I give
31    my Lands in Braunton in the Countie of Devon to Richard Hole my
32    Godsonne, sonne of Nicholas Hole of Ilfardcombe for four score and nineteene
33    yeares
    [page 2]
34    Yeares if three lives live soe long. Item I give to the said Richard
35    Hole a Tenement in the Tenure of one Jone Southcombe lying neare South
36    Moulton for the life tearme of four score and nineteene yeares if Three
37    lives soe long Item I give to the Maid of the house Twentie shillings
38    Item I give to Roger and Ric[har]d Prentize in the house Tenn shillings a
39    peece Item I give to the eldest Nurse fouer pounds Item I give to the
40    youngest nurse Three pounds Tenn shillings Item I give to William
41    Dunn Servant to my Mother Tenn pounds to be paid to him by my
42    Mother and to his Sonne I give twentie shillings Item I give five
43    pounds to the poore of the parish wherein I am buried
44    Item my will and meaning is that the old and customes
45    Rents be reserted upon those Estates which I have given by this
46    my will to Phillip Hole John Card Davis Evans and Richard Hole
47    Sealed and published in the presence of Richard Johnson Will[ia]m Greene
48    The Tenth day of Aprill In the Yeare of our Lord
49    God One Thousand Six hundred Fiftie and eight Letter of Ami
50    nistration with the Will annext issued forth to Mary Tuckfeild
51    Elizabeth & Gartrud Pincombe the naurall and lawfull Sisters of
52    Richard Pincombe deceased To administer all and singular the goods
53    chattells and debts of the said deceased according to the tenor and
54    effect of the said deceased Will for that Mary Pincombe the Mother
55    and John Doddridge the Executors named in the said Will have judici
56    ally renounced the execution thereof They the said Mary Tuckfeild
57    Elizabeth and Gartrud Pincombe the Sisters being first legallie
58    sworne (by vertue of a Commission truly and faythfullie to administer
59    the same)

The next will to transcribe will be that of Gertrude Pincombe (sister of Richard Pincombe). I wonder if the line of Pincombe to whom the Pincombe coat of arms was designed by the College of Arms is now daughtered out following the death of Richard above. Certainly the South Molton family and the North Molton family share the same ancestor (as does the Bishops Nympton Pincombe family). But who was Richard Pincombe baptizing Helen at Chittlehampton in 1577? Presumably Richard was born between 1540 and 1555 (or could have been earlier).

Of note the earlier will of Johane Pencombe mentions her son Richard and that he had a son. Johane died by 7 May 1563 at East Buckland. Her likely husband Thomas' will was dated 1544 at North Molton alhough he lived at Filleigh and East Buckland. Richard was likely born by 1540 in that scenario and since his mother mentioned him and his son in the will in 1563 this would appear to be a possibility. The wife of this Richard is unknown but he appears to have two children: Thomas and Helen. Thomas is likely to have had a son Richard who married Jane Bond. Helen married Mathew Goule 19 May 1617 at Chittlehampton. I need to see if I can find a baptism or some other document for Thomas son of Richard. This information though, if correct, does make the Richard Pincombe at Chittlehampton a 5th cousin to the Richard Pincombe at Poughill.

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