Thursday, August 11, 2011

Will of Gertrude Pyncombe - PROB 11/643 - Image References - 225/224 and 225/225

The will of Gertrude Pyncombe in all of its seven long pages does not mention the name Pincombe/Pyncombe beyond that of her own name. This was a rather surprising happening as I really expected there would be as at the time I purchased the will I had in hand the earlier charts made by the researchers of the original Pincombe one name study. Gertrude would have had Pincombe nieces and nephews and cousins according to the Chart. But no mention of any. Gertrude's parents were John Pincombe and Mary Carew. Gertrude does indeed have her sister Tuckfield's children but no other nieces and nephews are mentioned and in particular no Pincombe. Yesterday I did show that Richard her brother was not the Richard Pincombe married to Jane Bond at Chittlehampton and the Visitation does not list a marriage for Richard brother to Gertrude Pincombe.

Developing a time line for this Pincombe line mostly centers on the marriage of Mary (sister of Gertrude) to John Tuckfield 4 Jul 1657 at Poughill or Crediton (both appear in the IGI and perhaps one was for the Banns being read). There is a webpage for the Tuckfield family

and I quote the following from this website:

"Thomas and Elizabeth Tuckfield

Thomas and Elizabeth had three children, Thomas, Walter and John. 

Later Tuckfields and others
John [Tuckfield] was born in 1625 and married late, to Mary Pincomb, in [1657]. They had five children, three of whom died in infancy the survivors being two girls, Elizabeth and Mary. As there were no male heirs, John, after making generous bequests to his surviving daughters left the bulk of the estate to his brother Walter Tuckfield when he died in 1675. Walter, however, had himself died before probate was made of John’s will, so the estate was put in trust until Mary (15 years old) and Elizabeth (13 years old) reached their majority.

Elizabeth died unmarried in 1695, her sister however married twice, first to Colonel Francis Fulford (a member of the family which owned the Great Fulford estate) and secondly to Henry Trenchard. She had no children by either marriage, so when she died in 1728 the estate passed on to Roger Tuckfield of Thorverton (a descendant of Thomas Tuckfield’s son, Roger, and M.P for Ashburton). As he was unmarried, Mrs Trenchard –granddaughter of the Thomas and Elizabeth depicted on the tomb –left it entailed to another branch of the Tuckfield family, and it was one of these, John Tuckfield, who inherited it on Roger’s death in 1739."

In the will of Gertrude Pyncombe she mentions Roger Tuckfield and he would have still been living in 1730. This also sets somewhat of a timeline with Mary Tuckfield being born in 1660 and Elizabeth in 1662 and their mother marrying in 1657. John Tuckfield was born in 1625 and said to be marrying late in 1657 (he would have been 35 years of age).

Looking at the 1620 Visitation of Devon John Pyncombe is a student in the Middle Temple, London and not yet married. John Pyncombe and Mary Carew had five children Richard, Elizabeth, Gertrude, Mary and Joan. Joan and Richard were both dead in 1658. The birth order of these children is unknown. But it would appear that the children were likely born in the 1620s into the 1630s.

I then moved to the Oxford University Alumni as John Pincombe of Devon is listed as having matriculated at Exeter College, 13 July 1604 aged 18 of Poughill Devon, barrister at law Middle Temple 1616 (as son and heir of John, of South Molton) and father of Richard 1655 See Foster's Judges and Barristers. The year 1655 has often been quoted as the year of his death. John's year of matriculation was 13 Jul 1604 and he was aged 18 so born in 1586. He appears to have spent his years at the Middle Temple as a barrister at law commencing in 1616 and was still there in 1620 unmarried. He was the son of John Pyncombe and Amy Doddridge of South Molton and must have been in his mid 30s before he married Mary Carew. 

Richard is listed as Richard Pincombe (Pyncombe) with armorial bearings (not listed for the others) but was of Wadham College, subscribed 7 Nov 1655, student of Middle Temple 1656 (as son and heir of John of Poughill Devon deceased), buried in the Temple Church 20 Nov 1656. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. 

Can I get a timeline out of this information other than decades? Richard was born after 1620 but before 1640 likely as he is a student in 1655 but he is shown to be buried 20 Nov 1656 (his will was dated 19 Nov 1656 and probated 10 Apr 1658). But if he was a student of the Middle Temple in 1656 wouldn't he have already completed his matriculation which would make him 18 to 20 years of age? That would give a year of birth in the mid 1630s or earlier. 

The father of this John Pincombe was John Pincombe married to Amy Doddridge and earlier in 4 August 2011 blog I presented the will of this John Pincombe. The marriage of Amye Dodderidge and John Pincombe took place 17 Nov 1578. The times are falling neatly into place. The father of John married to Amye Dodderidge was again another John Pincombe according to the Visitations of Devon of 1620 and 1686. This John (the father of John married to Amye Dodderidge) would then be first cousin to William Pincombe whose will was in my blog of 30 July 2011. Their fathers are said to be brothers in the Visitation and sons of the Pincombe who came to North Molton with Lord Zouch in 1485. 

William left his will in 1602 so he was not likely born until after 1500. The Pincombe who came to North Molton in 1485 would likely have been an adult so born in the 1460s. I am still left with the thought that there is a missing generation but the Pincombe who came to North Molton could have married late and twice. Looking at the following Subsidy Rolls for the Pincombe family.

The Subsidy Rolls 
Surname    Forename    Parish    Year    Property
Pyncombe    Christopher    South Molton    1544 Subsidy    10
Pyncome    John    South Molton    1544 Subsidy    13
Pynkeham    Philip    Tawstocke    1544 Subsidy    8
Pencombe    Richard    Bideford    1544 Subsidy    5
Pencombe    Thomas    East Buckland    1544 Subsidy    9
Pencombe    Alice*    North Molton    1545 Subsidy    5
Pencombe    John    North Molton    1545 Subsidy    4
Pencombe    Richard    Kings Nympton    1545 Subsidy    1
Pencombe    William    North Molton    1545 Subsidy    6

The earliest tax subsidy (published and purchaseable) that I have found thus far for Devon was collected in 1544 and 1545 and John Pyncome at South Molton and Thomas Pencombe at East Buckland would be brothers according to the 1620 Visitation. The John Pencombe at North Molton is also said to be a brother to these two men.Who is Alice? Is she the wife of the Pencombe who came to North Molton with Lord Zouch (she is listed as a widow) and mother of Thomas and the two Johns? Was he married twice and named two sons John from each marriage? Was Alice much younger than her husband? As always each new will I read generates new information and new questions.

We know from Johane Pencombe's will of 1563 that she had sons William, John and Richard all of whom would have been old enough then to have property and be listed on the subsidy. According to the Visitation of 1620 Christopher Pyncombe at South Molton, John Pincombe of South Molton and William Pencombe are all cousins. 

Pincombe    Christopher    South Molton    1581 Subsidy    G 4
Pencombe    Edward    Tawstocke     1581 Subsidy    G 5
Pyncombe    Emma wid    North Molton    1581 Subsidy    G 3
Pincombe    John    South Molton    1581 Subsidy    G 4
Pincombe Jr    John    South Molton    1581 Subsidy    G 3
Pincombe Sr    John    South Molton    1581 Subsidy    G 12
Pincombe    Richard    Bideford    1581 Subsidy    G 6
Pincombe    Richard    Yearnescombe    1581 Subsidy    G 3
Pencombe    William    East Buckland    1581 Subsidy    G 10

By the 1581 Subsidy Alice is no longer listed at North Molton but there is a widow Emma at North Molton.  This is likely the widow of John Pyncombe. Emet Hodge married John Pyncombe 1 Jul 1560 at North Molton. This John Pyncombe is the son of Johane Pencombe who left her will in 1563. In her will she mentions her son John and a daughter. Johane Pincombe was baptized 5 Jul 1561 at North Molton the daughter of John Pincombe. There are three John Pincombes listed at South Molton. The Visitation of 1620 lists Christopher as a son of one of the two John Pincombes attributed to the first Pincombe at North Molton. This Christopher in turn is said to have a son John and they lived at South Molton according to the Visitation. Reading the information on their land holdings is my next step and I begin by purchasing the document concerning the land passing between the two John Pincombes (elder and younger) at South Molton in 1605. That is my project to purchase that towards the end of August.

Trying to learn more about the marriage between Mary Pyncombe (sister to Gertrude Pyncombe (testator in the will below) and John Tuckfield I did some searching on the National Archives for Tuckfield and Pincombe which yields:


The entire contents of this catalogue are shown below. 

Reference Z1
Covering dates Early 13th Century - 1868
Held by Devon Record Office
Extent 3512 Files
Source of acquisition Deposited by Sir John Shelley, Bt., (part of this collection was formerly numbered DD. 43000 - 45756) and was deposited in Exeter City Library.
Creators Shelley family of Shobrooke Park, Crediton, Devon

Property Deeds and Documents including conveyances, final concords, leases, releases, grants, marriage settlements etc, relating to various Devon parishes especially crediton, Exeter, Shobrooke, Hinton, Anliscombe and Tedbury St Mary
[no title]  Z1/27/5/13  29 May 1657

Former reference: [DD.44823a].
Articles of agreement.
(1) John Tuckfield of Fulford, esq.
(2) Mary Pincombe the elder of Wellesbeare, widow.
Recites that in consideration of an intended marriage between (1) and Mary Pincombe the younger, (2) covenants to assure to (1) certain lands held in trust in George Nympton and Timberscombe (Somerset), to pay to (1) all the share of Mary Pincombe the younger in the estate of John Pincombe, deceased, (1) covenants to settle Shobrooke Barton in trust for Mary Pincombe the younger, and to grant certain leases of lands in Bideford and South Molton.

[no title]  Z1/27/5/14a-c  10, 11 July 1657

Former reference: [DD.44822; DD.44823; DD.44824].

Lease and release in trust, and counterpart.
(1) John Tuckfield of Fulford (in Crediton and Shobrooke parishes), esq.
(2) Mary Pincombe the elder of Wellesbeare (in Poughill parish), widow. (Late the wife of John Pincombe, deceased)., and Thomas Walrond of Woolfardisworthy, clerk.
Shobrooke Barton (except for 5 closes called the West Downs).
Consideration: intended marriage between (1) and Mary Pincombe the younger, daughter of Mary Pincombe the elder.
Recites that the premises are to be held by (2) in trust for (1) for life then in trust for Mary Pincombe for life, and then in trust for (1) and his right heirs.
This is rather interesting because we do find a Pincombe family in West Somerset area in the 1700s. I may yet be able to discover which Pincombe family was in West Somerset. 

The will of Gertrude Pyncombe:

Recorded: 9 August 2011
Source: Public Record Office, London, UK, PROB 11/643 - Image References - 225/224 and 225/225
Place: Welsbeare (Poughill), Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 20 Jan 1730 (probated 5 Mar 1731)
Condition: image, bold, clear, Middle English writing

T[esta]m[ent] Gertrude Pyncomb

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Gertrude Pyncombe of Welsbeare in the County of Devon
3    Spinster being of sound and perfect mind and memory and re
4    calling to mind the certainty of death and the uncertain hour
5    thereof do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament
6    revoking all former Wills by me made in manner and form
7    following first and principally I give and commend my soul
8    unto Almighty God my Creator trusting and assuredly believing
9    that through the merits Mediation of Jesus Christ my
    [page 2]
10    Saviour and Redeemer I shall receive remission and
11    forgiveness of all my sins and inherit Everlasting bliss and
12    my body to Christian burial to be decently interred in the
13    parish Church of Poughill by my Father and Mother and
14    as touching my Goods and Estate which it hath pleased
15    almighty God to give unto me I give and dispose of the
16    same in manner following I give and bequeath unto my
17    Cousin Thomas Carew of Crocombe Esq[ui]r[e] fifty pounds of
18    lawfull money of Great Britain and to him and to his
19    wife and daughter each a mourning Ring of twenty shillings
21    value beside the making Item I do hereby give devise
22    and bequeath unto my Cousin John Carew late of Oxford
23    now of the Middle Temple London Esq[ui]r[e] his heirs and
24    assigns forever all that my right of in and to the
25    presentation of Rings with al[ia]s Ashrereigney in the said
26    County of Devon but in case Mr. Roger Tuckfield of Red-
27    Lyon Street shall have any son a Clergyman at the time
28    that the said parsonage or living may happen to be void
29    I do then will and desire and my order is that he the
30    said Mr. Tuckfeilds son shall be preferred thereto before
31    any other and I give unto my said Cousin John Carew
32    twenty pounds of lawfull British money and to him his
33    wife and to their son each a mouring Ring of twenty shill[ings]
34    value besides the makeing Item I give unto my God-daugh[te]r
35    Elizabeth Carew thirty pounds of lawfull British money
36    and my Indian Cabinet together with one China Jarr two
37    Beakers two Bottles and two waggons of China to go along
38    with it Item I give unto my Cousin Mr. Prouse a mourning
39    Ring of twenty shillings value besides the makeing and
40    to my Cousin Mrs Mary Prowse his wife ten pounds of
41    Lawfull British money and the Tea Table
42    in the Dineing Room with the China upon it and also the
43    use of my diamond buckle for her life and then to her
44    eldest daughter after her decease and I give unto my
45    Cousin Prowses Children forty pounds of lawfull British
46    money to be equally divided amongst them by their unckle
47    John Carew Item I give unto his brother my Cousin George
48    Carew and to his sisters to whom I have not already
49    bequeathed any thing five broad peices of Gold to every
50    and each of them respectively Item I give unto George
51    Carew of Lincolns Inn Esquire Ten pounds of lawfull
52    British money Item I give unto my God-daughter Catherine
53    Crouch thirty pounds of lawfull British money Item I
54    give unto my Cousin Alice Banke twenty pounds of like
55    lawfull money and all my cloathes and to her daughters
56    five pounds of like lawfull money to each of them Item I give
57    unto my Cousin Penelope Sawbridge widow a Ring of twenty
58    shillings value besides the making Item I give unto my Cousin
59    Thomas Carew of London ten Guineas to buy him mourning
60    Item I give unto my Cousin John Carew and to his brother
61    Heatley and to their sister Margery Carew to each a Ring
62    of twenty shillings value besides the making Item I give
    [page 3]
63    unto my Cousin Peter Ellers a Ring of twenty shillings value
64    besides the making and to his son George and daughter
65    Anne five broad peices of Gold to each of them and to
66    his said daughter Anne my Locket with an Emerald set
67    with diamonds Item I give unto my God daughter Margaret
68    formerly called Roger Ten Guineas Item I give unto
69    my God-son Mr. Richard Duke of Exeter ten Guineas Item
70    I give unto Mrs Tindal a Locket Ring with my hair and
71    to her sistere Mrs. Brierlye and to their two Neices a
72    Ring of Twenty shillings value besides the making to each
73    of them Item I give unto Mrs Susanna Eade Ten Guineas
74    Item I give unto Mr John Hesket and his wife to each
75    of them ten Guineas and a Ring of twenty shillings value
76    besides the making Item I give unto Mrs Catherine Shapcote
77    a ring of twenty shillings value besides the makeing
78    Item I give unto Mrs. Shapcote widow of the late Doctor
79    Shapcot Thirty Guineas and to her and her two daught[e]r[s]
80    each a Ring of twenty shillings value besides the makeing
81    Item I give unto the Reverend Mr. John Creyke one thousand
82    pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be disposed
83    of by him in such manner as I have directed the said
84    Mr. Creyk without being called to any account by any
85    person touching the disposition or distribution thereof
86    which said one thousand pounds shall be paid within one
87    year after my death out of the first profits that shall be
88    raised out of my real and personal Estate after the
89    defraying of my funeral Charges Item I give to the Rev[erend]
90    Doctor Pelling of St Anne Westminster a Ring of twenty
91    shillings value besides the making and a Scarfe hatband
92    and Gloves and also twenty pounds to be by him distributed
93    to such poor persons of the said parish as he shall think
94    fit Item I give unto the above said Mr. Roger Tuckfield
95    four hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain
96    and one hundred pounds more for mourning and to him and
97    his wife and Mrother a Ring of twenty shillings value
98    besides the making each and to the said Mrs. Tuckfields
99    children I give five broad peices each Item I give and
100    bequeath unto the abovesaid the Reverend Mr John Creyk
101    seven hundred pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain
102    and also fifty pounds to buy him mourning and a Ring of twenty
103    shillings value besides the making for his great Care and
104    attendance upon me Item I give unto Mrs Amy Whingate
105    a ring of twenty shillings value besides the making and to
106    her son Thomas Whyngate one annuity or yearly sume of
107    Ten pounds of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid
108    Until he shall arrive at the full age of four and twenty
109    years and then to cease Item I give unto my servant
110    Grace Barns if she be in my service at the time of my
111    death one years wages over and above what may be
112    due unto her and also one annuity or yearly Rent Charge
113    of twenty pounds per annum payable unto her during her
114    natural life and also twenty pounds to buy mourning and
    [page 4]
115    forty pounds more lawfull money for her Charges in
116    her return from my funeral Item I give unto my Servant
117    Sarah Statson if she be in my service at the time of
118    my death one years wages and mourning over and
119    above what may be due unto her and also twenty pounds
120    more lawfull money provided she takes care of her
121    Mother Item I give unto my servant Martha Buller
122    if she be in my service at the time of my death one
123    years wages over and above what may be due unto
124    her and ten pounds to buy her mourning Item I give
125    unto my servant Thompson Fryer if he be in my service
126    at the time of my death one years wages
127    over and above what
128    may be due unto him and mourning Item I give unto
129    Jane Statson of the City of Exeter widow twenty pounds
130    per annum payable unto her during her natural life
131    Item I give unto Mr Bragg of Chelsea twenty pounds
132    per annum payable unto him during her natural life and
133    in Case he dyee within the usual quarterly days of paym[en]t
134    herein after mentioned it must be paid home to the
135    next quarterly day of payment after his death to pay
136     towards his funeral Item I give and bequeath unto
137    my friend Mrs Mary Ashton two hundred pounds
138    lawfull money Item I give unto Mrs. Elizabeth Goddard
139    ten pounds and to Mrs. Margaret James five pounds
140    Item I give unto the widow Peale five pounds Item I give
141    unto my Steward John Reed thirty pounds to buy mourning
142    and I recommend it that he shall be continued Steward
143    to my Estate so long as he behaves himself agreeably
144    to his trust Item I give unto the above said Mr Roger
145    Tuckfield the pictures of my brother and sister Tuckfield
146    and of my two Neices and to the abovesaid my Cousin
147    John Carew late of Oxford the picture of my Grandfather
148    Sir John Southcote Item I give unto the Reverend
149    Mr. Abraham Frank of Burrington Clerk twenty Guineas
150    ten Guineas part thereof to buy a Cloth Gown Cassock
151    and Beaver hat to perform at the funeral office Item I give
152    to the poor of the parish of Poughill twenty pounds
153    to be distributed to them at my funeral by such
154    persons as my Executors shall appoint Item I give
155    to the parson of Poughill five pounds provided he
156    suffer the person appointed by me to perform the funeral
157    office otherwise only his fees Item I give unto the Rever[dn]d
158    Mr. Henry Vincent of Bath twenty pounds per ann[um]
159    during his natural life Item I give unto the above s[ai]d
160    Mr. John Creyk one annuity of ten pounds to be paid
161    during the natural lives of three persons that I have
162    nominated to him and during the Life of the longest
163    Live of them and to be disposed of by him as I have
164    directed him without being called to an account
165    by any person touching the distribution thereof
166    and in case the said John Creyk apprehends that
    [page 5]
167    he shall dye before the said three persons then I do hereby
168    give him a power to appoint whom he pleases to execute
169    this Trust for the advantage of the said three persons or of
170    such of them as shall be then living which said annuity
171    shall be paid in London Item I give unto the Lord Viscount
172    Hatton the Lady Dowager Viscountess Hatton the Hon[oura]ble
173    Mr. Charles Hatton Mrs Elizabeth Mrs Penelope and Mrs
174    Anne Hatton to the Reverend Mr. Chichester Wrey Mr. Jones
175    of Lincolns Inn Jun Fields his wife and son Mr. Hardesty Mrs
176    Mary Lamplugh Mr Thomas Edward and William Lamplugh
177    Mr Waterhouse Mrs Waterhouse Mrs Carpenter Sir Thomas
178    Le Strange Baronet the Reverend Mr Henry Gaudy the
179    Reverend Mr. Henry Hall Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Mary Hall
180    Mr William Pennicot his wife and son Mr Uffington my
181    cousin Andrew Quick Esq[ui]r[e] and his daughters Mrs Hall Mrs
182    Gold Mrs Penelope and Mrs Dorothy Quick Mrs Doughty Mr
183    Robert Stone and his wife Mrs. Dorothy Howard Mrs
184    Mercy Mr Stone of New Inn and his Mother to
185    each of them a Ring of twenty shillings value besides
186    the making Item I recommend it to the abovesaid Mr John
187    Creyk that he will take Care that my body be not
188    removed out of my now dwelling house within two
189    whole weeks after my death and I do hereby will and
190    declare that all the annuitys before by me given shall
191    be free of all Taxes and Charges and be paid by quarterly
192    payments yearly during the terms for which they are
193    given the first payment to be upon the first of the
194    most usual feasts or days of payment which shall
195    happen next after my death to wit the festival of the Birth
196    of our Lord God the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary
197    the Nativity of St John the Baptist and the Feast of St Michael
198    the Archangel and my Will is that the Chappel and Garden
199    thereto belonging lying and being in Ridlecombe in the parish
200    of Ashreigny in the County of Devon shall not be leased or
201    set out at an yearly rent or put to any prophane use but kept
202    in repair and I do hereby constitute and ordain the said Roger
203    Tuckfield and the said John Creyk to be the sole Executors
204    of this my Will giveing them full power to receive all the
205    debts that shall be owing unto me at the time of death and
206    also to dispose of such part of my Estates within the Countys of
207    Devon and Somerset as shall be necessary for the discharge of
208    my debts and pecuniary Legacys and I hereby allow for my
209    funeral Expences three hundred pounds or more but not exceeding
210    four hundred pounds and my Will is that my said
211    Executors shall not be accountable to any person or persons
212    whatsoever touching the Execution of their Trust but after they
213    have discharged their Trust herein my Will is that my said
214    Executors shall deliver up the residue of my Estate unto my
215    Cousin Thomas Carew of Crocombe in the County of Somerset
216    Esq[ui]r[e] John Bampfield Esq[ui]r[e] brother of the late Sir Copplestone
217    Warwick Bamfield Baronet and the Rev[eren]d Mr. Chichester
218    Wrey and their heirs in Trust for the performance of such
    [page 6]
219    Charitys as my said Executors shall declare to them were most
220    agreeable to me and my will is that my said Executors shall
221    receive out of my Estate all the Expences which they shall be
222    at in the Execution of this my Will In Witness whereof I have
223    to this my last Will and Testament containing seven sheets of
224    paper and no more set my hand and seal this twentyeth day of
225    January Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and thirty
226    Gertrude Pyncombe [signed] sealed and published and declared to be the
227    last will and Testament of the within named Gertrude Pyncombe
228    in the presence of Will[ia]m Pennicott Mary Doughty Lydia Nettleton
229    Be it Known that whereas I Gertrude Pyncombe of
230    Welsbere in the County of Devon Spinster have made my last
231    Will and Testament in writing bearing date the twentyeth day of this
232    instant January and thereby did constitute and appoint Roger
233    Tuckfield and John Creyk Executors of my said Will giveing them
234    full power to dispose of such part of my Estate within the
235    Countys of Devon and Somerset as shall be necessary for the
236    discharge of my debts and Legacys and funeral Expences and
237    did therein direct that after they have discharged their Trusts
238    that my Executors shall deliver the residue of my Estate to my
239    Cousin Thomas Carew John Bampfield and Chichester Wrey and
240    their heirs upon Trust for the performance of such Charitys as
241    my Executors shall declare to them were most agreeable to me
242    as by my said last Will may appear and whereas some doubts
243    may arise touching the said devise to my Executors in regard I
244    have not vested the freehold and Inheritance of my said Estate
245    in them in order to enable them to pay my debts and perform
246    my will to the end therefore my said Executors may be inabled
247    to paying debts and Legacys and funeral
248    Expences and perform my Will I do hereby give and devise to the
249    said Roger Tuckfield and John Creyk their heirs and assigns all
250    my Manors Lands Tenements and hereditaments in the
251    Countys of Devon and Somerset and all other my real Estate what
252    soever upon Trust by sale thereof or a competent part thereof
253    to pay and discharge my debts Legacys and funeral Expences
254    which my personal Estate not therein Specifically devised shall
255    not extend to pay and after payment thereof and performance
256    of their Trust I direct my Executors to Convey what shall remain
257    unsold to the said Thomas Carew John Bamfield and Chichester
258    Wrey and their heirs for performance of such Charitys as my
259    said Executors shall declare to them and which I have imparted
260    to my Executors Item I bequeath unto my Tenant Hugh Thomas
261    Ten Guineas and to Mrs Fronridge [sp] five pounds lawfull money and
262    to Mr. John Hele and his wife a Ring of Twenty shilling value
263    besides the making to each of them and in all other things I
264    hereby ratify and confirm my said last will and Testament I declare this Codicil to be part of my last Will and Testament and
265    direct the same to be performed witnes my hand and seal this
266    twenty first day of January one thousand seven hundred and thirty
267    Gertrude Pyncombe [signed] signed sealed published and declared by the
268    Testatrix the word (heires) being first interlined in the presence
    [page 7]
269    of us who in her presence have subscribed our names as
270    witnesses hereto Will[ia]m Pennicott Mary Doughty Lydia Nettleton
271    Edward Faucett

 A few of the people mentioned in the will of Gertrude Pyncombe:

Sir John Carew of Crowcombe
Born: ABT 1563, Crowcombe, Somersetshire, England
Died: 22 Feb 1635/6
Buried: 1635, Crowcombe, Somersetshire, England
Thomas Carew of Crowcombe Mother: Elizabeth BICOMBE
Married: Elizabeth SOUTHCOTT (b. ABT 1570 - d. 1633) (dau. of Thomas Southcott and Elizabeth Fitzwilliam) ABT 1590, Shellingford, Devonshire, England
1. Elizabeth CAREW
2. Mary CAREW (married John Pincombe, mother of Gertrude Pyncombe)
3. Dorothy CAREW
4. Thomas CAREW
5. George CAREW
6. John CAREW

Widow Penelope Sawbridge refers to Penelope Carew daughter of George Carew whom Gertrude refers to only as of Lincolns Inn in London see website below:
Heathley referred to as a brother of her cousin John Carew. Thomas Carew (4 above as son of Sir John Carew and Elizabeth Southcott) was married to Margery daughter of Sir John Wyndham or Orchard and they had three children:  John married to Catherine daughter of Zouch Tate and their only child John died under age. Elizabeth who died 10 Dec 1668 and Thomas Carew (of Camerton) who married Mary daughter of Thomas Heatley.  

Peter Elers, Esquire, justice of the peace for Middlesex, who married in 1715, Dorothy younger daughter of Thomas Carew, Esquire, of Carew Castle, Pembrokeshire, and sister of Thomas Carew, Esquire of Crowcome Court, Somersetshire, settled at Chelsea, of which place he became a considerable proprietor. Issue:  daughter Anne married to William Poston (no issue) and son George who married Mary Charon (sons Carew and Peter; daughter Charlotte).  She refers to Peter as cousin but he is actually her mother's first cousin's husband.

Reverend Mr. Abraham Frank was mentioned of Burrington Devon and on the IGI I found:

IGI Individual Record     FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
07 MAY 1702       Burrington, Devon, England
      Father:      ABRAHAM FRANKE    
      Mother:      MARY    
Source Information:
    Batch No.:      Dates:      Source Call No.:      Type:      Printout Call No.:      Type:
    C050081      1601 - 1812      0916767       Film      0933170       Film
International Genealogical Index / British Isles - 8   
    1. ELIZABETH FRANKE - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 04 MAY 1699 Burrington, Devon, England
    2. JOANNA FRANKE - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 05 FEB 1705 Burrington, Devon, England
    3. MARY FRANKE - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 20 NOV 1697 Burrington, Devon, England
    4. MARGARET FRANKE - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 31 AUG 1703 Burrington, Devon, England
    5. WESTAWAY FRANKE - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 14 MAR 1709 Burrington, Devon, England
    6. ANNE FRANKE - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 13 APR 1708 Burrington, Devon, England
    7. ABRAHAM FRANKE - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 07 MAY 1702 Burrington, Devon, England
    8. GARTHRUD FRANKE - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 11 DEC 1711 Burrington, Devon, England

Viscount Hatton and his family were mentioned and details on this family:

Viscount Hatton, of Grendon, was a title in the Peerage of England. It was created in 1683 for Christopher Hatton, 2nd Baron Hatton. He was the son of the prominent Royalist Christopher Hatton, who was created Baron Hatton, of Kirby, in the Peerage of England in 1643. He was a relation and heir of Sir Christopher Hatton, Lord Chancellor under Queen Elizabeth I. The first Viscount was succeeded by his eldest son, the second Viscount. On his death the titles passed to his younger brother, the third Viscount. When he died in 1762 the titles became extinct.

Barons Hatton (1643)

    Christopher Hatton, 1st Baron Hatton (1605–1670)
    Christopher Hatton, 2nd Baron Hatton (1632–1706)

Viscounts Hatton (1683)

    Christopher Hatton, 1st Viscount Hatton (1632–1706)
    William Seton Hatton, 2nd Viscount Hatton (1690–1760)
    Henry Charles Hatton, 3rd Viscount Hatton (c. 1700–1762)

Thomas Le Strange Baronet was mentioned and details on this very old baronetcy:
Thomas le Strange of Hunstanton [b.30th Mar.1689, d.1757]
5th Baronet
Spouse  Anne Calthorpe dau. Christopher Calthorpe, [d.1757]
    Issue  None

John Bampfield Esquire and his brother Sir Coplestone Warwick Bampfield Baronet were mentioned and a few details on Sir Coplestone:

Sir Coplestone Warwick Bampfylde, 3rd Baronet (c. 1689 – 7 October 1727) was a British High Tory politician. He was the oldest son of Colonel Hugh Bampfylde and his wife Mary Clifford, daughter of James Clifford. Bampfylde was educated at Christ Church, Oxford. In 1692, his father having died the year before, he succeeded his grandfather Coplestone as baronet. In 1710, he entered the British House of Commons for Exeter, representing the constituency until 1713. In June 1716, he married Gertrude Carew, daughter of Sir John Carew, 3rd Baronet. Subsequently he sat for Devon until his death in 1727.

The Reverend Mr. Chichester Wrey was Rector of Tawstock for fourty years (died 1756) and buried at Tawstock with Wrey family memorials found here:

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