Saturday, August 13, 2011

Will of Temperance Pincombe dated 7 Mar 1636 (probated 15 Jun 1637) - PROB 11/174 - Image Reference 379/332

The will of Temperance Pincombe identified the exact same children as the will of her husband William Pincombe so John Pincombe at Oxford and son of William Pincombe of Filleigh is not part of this family. Discovering that family line may be possible only with the Manor Records - a project for the future.

Temperance also mentions the Rashleigh family. Her husband William identified Christopher Rashleigh as his cousin. In my googling of the Rashleigh and Pincombe families as a + unit I discovered a fifteen page writeup in Devon Notes and Queries which I have captured to read through. This particular article (117. Rashleigh of Devon. Devon Notes and Queries, Volume IV, Part VI, April 1907. James G Commin Exeter (Pages 201 - 215)) refers to the Pincombe family into which Christopher Rashleigh married into on 17 Jan 1601 as follows:

"In the Parish Registers of Southmolton
occur the following entries: "January, 1601,
Christopher Rashleigh maried (sic) An Pinekome, the 17."
Baptisms. 28th November, 1602, Dorothie, the daughter of
Christopher Rashley ; 26th September, 1606, Susanne, the
daughter of Christopher Rashlye ; 2oth May, 1611, Elizabeth,
daughter of Christopher Rashley; 26th May, 1621, Dorothie,
the daughter of Christopher and Anne Rashlye ; ist September,
1625, Temperance, the daughter of Mr. Christofer
Rashleigh. Burials. 3oth May, 1619, Dorothy fil., Mr.
Rashley ; i8th July, 1620, Cicell, the daughter of Christopher
Rashley; 2oth April, 1631, Dorothy Rashly.
Ann Pincombe whom Mr. Christopher Rashleigh married,
belonged to an armigerous family connected with Southmolton
and its neighbourhood, commencing in the Visitation of 1564
with " Pynecombe, of Northmolton, who came thither
with the Lord Zouch about the beginninge of the raigne of
K. Henry 7th." Her youngest daughter Temperance was
presumably called after Temperance, daughter of Hugh
Pollard, and great granddaughter of Sir Lewis Pollard the
Judge, who married William Pynecombe, of Southmolton
and East Buckland, one of the Coroners of Devon ; from
which we may perhaps conclude that Anne Rashleigh was a
sister of this William, and a daughter of William Pynecombe,
of Filley and East Buckland, who married a daughter
of Snowe, of Anstey."

From William (of Filley and East Buckland married to Emmote Snow)'s will (my blog dated 30 Jul 2011) his children were identified as John, William, Symon, Richard, Thomas, Lewis, Peter, Johane and Katherin. The birth date of William (second eldest son) was identified from the Visitation of Devon 1620 as 1566. The two daughters are not identified as married however and this will was written 20 Dec 1602. Why would he not have identified his daughter Ann if he had one as married to Christopher Rashleigh? How old were Johane and Katherine his identified daughters. He doesn't list any of his children as under 21. The second eldest son William is identified in the Visitation of Devon of 1620 as being 54 years of age and hence born in 1566. William (second eldest son) is then 36 at the time of the writing of the will. William (died 1602) in his will does identify two of his sons with children (John with three daughters and Richard with one son (my ancestor)). He does use the term "accomplishe one and twentie yeares of age" with regard to a legacy to Elizabeth Colliscotte so presumably his children are all over 21.

His son William (married to Temperance Pollard)'s will (see blog 12 August 2011) identifies Christopher Rashleigh as his cousin. If he was married to his father's sister then he would have been his uncle. The relationship is somewhat more distant but still congenial in that Temperance Pincombe (wife of this William (will dated 1625)) refers to one of the daughters of Christopher Rashleigh and Ann Pincombe (as listed above).  I do have the Parish Registers for South Molton and eventually will transcribe them. Since she is related to the family with the coat of arms then that places her into the family of John Pincombe merchant at South Molton. Surprisingly she does not appear on the Visitation of 1620 but also I did not find an individual page for the Rashleigh family in the 1620 Visitation of Devon. 

It doesn't really seem logical not to even mention the Rashleigh family if his daughter Ann married Christopher Rashleigh. Since Ann was descended from the line with the armorial bearings than it must be John Pincombe's line at South Molton and the wills appear earlier on my blog (1 August 2011 and 4 August 2011). This is the line that received the armorial bearings from the College of Arms but that must be earlier than the 1616 listed on the Chart from the earlier researchers unless the author of this Rashleigh article, James C Marshall, was mistaken in listing her as being descended from the Pincombe family with the armorial bearings. In later years it would appear that she was thus descended because the line did receive a coat of arms. Obviously I need to learn more about the Coat of Arms of the Pincombe family.  That may lead me to the parents of Ann Pincombe married to Christopher Rashleigh.

The will of Temperance Pincombe follows:

Recorded: 13 August 2011
Source: Public Record Office, London, UK, PROB 11/174 - Image Reference 379/332
Place: South Molton, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 7 Mar 1636  (probated 15 Jun 1637)
Condition: photocopy, fairly clear, light, old English writing

[in margin] T[estator] Temperance Pincombe

1    In the name of God Amen the Seaventh day of March
2    in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand sixe hundrede thirtie sixe I Temperance
3    Pincombe of South Molton in the Countie of Devon widdow being sick of body but of perfect
4    remembrance thanks be to Almighty God doe make this my last will and Testament in
5    manner ande forme following that is to saie First I bequeath my soule to Almighty God my
6    maker and Redeemer trusting by the meritts and mercies of Jesus Christ to obteyne everlasting
7    bliss in the world to come And my body in hope of a glorious resurrection I comitt unto
8    Christian buriall in the Church of Southmolton aforesaid Item I give unto Mr. John Corin
9    Twentie shillings and I give towardes the repara[t]ion of the Church of Southmolton Tenne
10    shillings Item I give to the poore people of Southmolton foure poundes to be distributed
11    amongest them on the day of my buriall Item I give unto William Pincombe my sonne
12    and Bridgett Pincombe my daughter in lawe fortie poundes And unto Elizabeth Pincombe
13    Bridgett Pincombe and Temperance Pincombe my Grandchildren severallie twentie poundes and
14    one payre of sheets a peece to be paid unto them by my executor hereafter named and by him to be
15    employed for them till it shall please god that they be maryed or doe accomplishe the age of one &
16    twentie yeares And if either of them shall dye before that tyme then such her por[t]ion shall
17    remayne amongest the rest that shall survive Item I give unto Alice Pollard my kinswoman
18    Fourtie shillings unto Sara the daughter of Johane Hill Tenne shillings and one sheepe, unto
19    Samuell Tucker and his three daughters fortie shillings to be devided equally amongest them
20    unto Elizabeth the daughter of Mr John Coren Tenne shillings unto Susan Morrell Twentie
21    shillings unto her sonne John Morrell Tenne shillings unto Grace Rashley twentie shillings unto
22    Temperance Rashley Twentie shillings and one sheepe and unto Katherine Rashleigh Tenne shillings
23    Item I give unto Elizabeth Bidgood my servant Tenne shillings unto Baldwin Wilce Twentie
24    shillings unto Johane the wife of Humfrey Buckingham Twentie shillings unto Mary Hill
25    Twentie shillings unto Johane Thorne fortie shillings unto Christian Mogford my servant
26    Tenne shillings and unto Nicholas Hunt Tenne shillings The rest of all my goodes & chattells
27    not before given I give and bequeath unto William Pincombe my Grandchild And I make
28    him my whole and sole executor of this my last will and Testament And my intent is that
29    my said sonne William Pincombe shall have the whole managing of my estate for the good
30    of my executor And I desire Henry Worth Es[quir]e Mr. John Worth and Mr. Christopher
31    Rashley to see this my last will performed and to that end I make them my Overseers; In
32    witnes, whereof I have hereunto sett my hande and seale. Signed d[__]ie Temperance
33    Pincombe [signed] Signed and sealed in the presence of Christopher Rashleigh [signed] Bald[wi]n Wilce [signed]
34    Anne Badcock [signed]

Noteworthy in this will, the references to Grace Rashly, Temperance Rashly and Katherine Rashleigh does not entirely fit the names of the children of Christopher and Ann Rashleigh mentioned in Devon Notes and Queries quoted above (notably the names were:  Suzanne, Elizabeth and Temperance Rashleigh.

I have managed to miss one will in all of this that I had meant to do and this will is for the father of Bartholomew Pincombe of North Molton (see blog of 7 August 2011). Part of the reason for this is the desire on my part to work on the Richard Pincombe of Poughill will and the misinformation that entered into the earlier Pincombe study. Richard of Poughill did not have any children but Richard of Chittlehampton did marry Jane Bond and they did have children at Chittlehampton. The Pincombe family of Poughill does not appear at Chittlehampton. The Richard Pincombe at Chittlehampton is a son of Bartholomew Pincombe of North Molton.

Working on the Thomas Pincombe will means working on the Parish Registers of North Molton for which I have six fiche. The nights are starting to darken and the days less bright so I can start to feel the time of heavy transcription coming on. North Molton was certainly in my line of vision but tended to keep getting passed by in favour of my Blake one name Study. I shall commence the registers for North Molton before I transcribe the will of Thomas Pincombe at North Molton (written  8 Nov 1651 and probated 20 Sep 1653).This Thomas (by age) does have the potential to be a first cousin of my Richard Pincombe who died in 1648 at Bishops Nympton. Thomas Pencombe of Filleigh and East Buckland (and Johane his wife presumably) were said to have had five children: William (d 1602 of Filleigh and East Buckland) married to Emotte Snow, John of North Molton married to Emet Hodge 1 Jul 1560 at North Molton, Alice married to John Lock 29 Nov 1561 at North Molton, Richard (had a son Thomas and a daughter Helen who married Mathew Goule 19 May 1617 at Chittlehampton) and an unknown daughter who married John Jesse (sp) and had a son John Jesse.

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