Friday, August 12, 2011

Willl of William Pincombe dated 28 Jun 1625 - PROB 11/147 - Image Reference 501/397

The Visitations of Devon for 1620 and 1686 do assist with linking this William (testator in the will dated 28 Jun 1625)  married to Temperance Pollard with William of East Buckland (see my blog dated 30 Jul 2011). William was still unmarried when his father died in 1602. Under the Visitation we have William Pyncombe married to [Emotte] da[ughter] of Snowe of Antstey Devon with three of their sons listed John, Richard and William (John and Richard are listed because they were overseers of their brother William's will). William is listed with the following notations:

William Pynecombe of Southmolton and of of E[a]st Buckland in Devon,  Coroner of the same Countie 14 or 15 years together, aet 54, 1620. Will 28 June, pro[bated] 17 Dec 1625 P.C.C. (Clarke 138) and married to Temperance, da[ughter] of Hugh Pollard, 1 son of Robert Pollard, Esq[uire], brother to S[i]r Hugh Pollard, K[nigh]t, both sonnes to S[i]r Lewis Pollard, K[nigh]t, the Judge. Ex[ecu]trix of her husband's will. Will 7 Mar 1636/37, pro[bated] 15 June 1637. P.C.C. (Goare 94).

The information on William gives us his date of birth as 1566 since he is 54 years old in 1620. John is the eldest brother in this family so must have been born in 1564 or 1565 since their grandmother Johane does not mention the wife of William Pincombe or any children in her will of 1563. This makes for a neat timeline for this family. We know the father of this William was dead by 28 December 1602, married by 1564 and one wonders how old he would have been when he married. All of his siblings had at least one child and dates of baptism are unknown except for the daughter of John Pyncombe who was baptized Johane 5 Jun 1561 at North Molton.  That at least gives us an estimate of 1530s to 1540s for the births of the children of Thomas and Johane Pincombe. Then according to the Visitation the grandfather of these children who came to North Molton with Lord Zouch was an adult supposedly in 1485. Does that seem reasonable that this Pincombe would be having children in the early 1600s to 1610s when he would be 35 to 45? Well it could be especially if he married twice. A first marriage could have produced the one John Pincombe - the ancestor of Gertrude Pyncombe and would answer the question why no Pincombe relations. If they were all half siblings/half cousins and separated in age by a generation they may not have known each other by the second or third generation and Gertrude was five generations down from the original Pincombe who arrived at North Molton with Lord Zouch.  I am starting to rethink my earlier thought that there was an extra generation. A second marriage would also be very logical especially given naming two sons John. Although both of these sons lived at South Molton which is perhaps surprising!

I hadn't looked at the William Pincombe/Temperance Pollard family previously  with a timeline in mind and for them I do have a year of birth for William son of  William Pincombe and Emotte Snowe. The other item to ponder at this point is the will left by Emot Pincombe in 1620 according to the Devon Calendar of wills on Genuki Devon. Was this Emotte married to William Pincombe who died in 1602 or was this Emet Hodge married to John Pyncombe? If it was Emotte then she outlived her husband by 18 years and would have been in her 80s likely when she died (which isn't impossible as some people did live that long even back in the 1600s).

The children of William Pincombe and Temperance Pollard are then listed as

William Pynecombe, eldest sonne, aet 13, ano. 1620. Named in the wills of his father and mother, living 1637
 and married to Bridget, da. of Henry Worth of Washfield, mar. lic. 14, mar. 16 Feb 1628/29 at Washfield. Named in the will of her mother in law, living 1636. (The chart from the earlier researchers has a baptismal date of 16 Mar 1606. The IGI has a baptism (patron entry) 16 Mar 1605 at North Molton for a William Pyncombe son of William Pyncombe.)

John Pincombe, baptized 4 Aug 1610 (from the chart produced by the earlier researchers). Again the IGI has a baptism for a John Pyncombe 4 Aug 1610 at North Molton son of William Pyncombe (patron entry).

Only William is mentioned in his father's will (see below).

The children of William Pincombe and Bridget Worth:

William, Pincombe, bap 4 Feb 1620/30 at Washfield (executor of his grandmother's will) and married to Gertrude who was buried 8 Jan 1685/86 at South Molton.

Elizabeth, 1 da., bap. 17 Nov 1631 at Washfield, named in her grandmother's will, living 1637

Bridget, 2 da., named in her grandmother's will, living 1637.

Temperance, 3 da., named in her grandmother's will, living 1637

If John found in the Oxford Alumnus Roll is their son then he was born 1646. However they were not living at Filleigh. I shall need to search down through the Manor Books if they exist for this area; the parish registers for Filleigh and East Buckland do not begin until the latter part of the 1680s. I was not sure if John was a son of William Pincombe and Bridget Worth but the information from the Visitation would appear to discount his being their son.

Will of William Pincombe dated 28 Jun 1625 - PROB 11/147 - Image Reference 501/397

Recorded: 9 Oct 2005, Revised 12 Aug 2011
Source: Public Record Office, London, UK, PROB 11/147 - Image Reference 501/397
Place: South Molton, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 28  June 1625 (probated 17 Dec 1625)
Condition: photocopy, fairly clear, light, old English writing

[in margin] T[estator] William Pincombe

1    In the name of God Amen
2    the eight and Twentyth day of June Anno Domino one Thousand sixe hundred Twentyfive
3    I William Pincombe of South Molton in the County of Devon gent being of good and
4    perfect memory (god bee praised) doe make and ordayne this my last will and Testament in
5    manner and forme followinge viz[ a vi]t First I commend my soule into the hands of god my maker
6    hopeing assuredly through the onely meritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour to bee made p[ar]taker of  life
7    everlastinge And I commend my body to the earth where of it was made Item I give and bequeath to ye
8    poore of South Molton forty shillings And to the poor of East Buckland ten shillings Item I give
9    devise and bequeath unto Temperance my wife all my tearme and estate in the farme & of  Barton
10    called haiche otherwise hatch in Southmoulton w[hi]ch I clayme to hold by the demise of Arthur
11    Ackland Esq[uir]e and Ellinor his wife by theire deed indented beareing date the Tenth daie of May in the
12    fortyth yeare of the Raigne of o[u]r late Soveraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth in as large and ample
13    manner as the same is graunted unto mee by the said recytes and Indented Together with the said
14    deed Item I give and bequeath unto William Pincombe my Sonne the Tablebord in the hall at west-
15    cott in East Buckland All other my other standing bedsteeds and one other bedsteed there the sealinge of
16    the hall. the cupbord in the said hall and all shelves and Tymber of mine whatsoever now w[i]thin ye
17    houses of the said Tenement or elsewhere on the said Tenem[en]t called Westcott wheresoever Item
18    I give and bequeath unto my said sonne my second best bedsteed my second best featherbed p[re]formed
19    w[i]th my second best bed clothes my best Cloke my Rapier and poyinard with all my girdles and
20    hangings and all my bookes and my spruce deske to bee all delivered unto him within one moneth after
21    my decease Item I give and bequeath unto the said William Pincombe my Sonne my great brasse
22    kettle my greatest brasse pan, my greatest brasse caldron and my two Silver Bowles my best
23    bedsteed and best featherbed p[re]formed with the best bedclothes that I shall have at the tyme of my
24    death And my will is that his Mother shall have the use of theis dureing her life if shee soe longe live
25    unmarried And shall not sell or ymbesill the same or any p[ar]te thereof Item I give and bequeath to my
26    loveing kinswoman Temperance Uppington five pounds of lawfull English money Item I give devise
27    and bequeath unto my said wife the mesuage and Tenem[en]t wherein I now dwell in South Molton w[i]th
28    the Courtilage Backeside and Garden to the same belonginge and the backeside where the Rackes
29    stand and the Garden now in the possession of Andrew Wolcott To have and to hold unto the said
30    Temperance my wife for and dureing the terme of one and Twenty yeres if she soe longe happen to
31    live after my decease The remaynder of mine estate and terme in the premisses w[hi]ch shal[l ]be then to
32    come and unexpired I doe give devise and bequeath unto my said sonne William Pincombe w[i]th the
33    severall deeds of the same Provided allwaies and my will is that my said sonne William Pincombe
34    shall paye or cause to bee payd unto mine Executrix hereafter named the somme of forty pounds of
35    lawfull english money w[i]thin two yeres next after my decease by Twenty pounds a yere And if he the
36    said William my Sonne shall refuse soe to doe Then my will is that all these legacies by this my will
37    to him the said William my Sonne soe given and bequeathed shal[l ]be voyd and accrue unto the benefitt
38    of mine executrix as though they had never beene given or bequeathed unto him anythinge herein
39    conteyned to the contrary, in any wise notw[i]thstanding Item I further give and bequeath unto him my
40    said Sonne William Pincomb my Truncke covered w[i]th Sailes skines and my woodricke at
41    westcott w[hi]ch standeth by the East maynehouse there, All the residue of my goods and Chattles not
42    heretofore given and bequeathed I doe give and bequeath unto Temperance Pincombe my deare
43    and loveinge wife whom I doe ordayne and make my whole and sole Executrix of this my present last
44    Will and Testament And I doe appoynt overseers of the same my deere and much respected
45    cosin Mr. Christopher Rashleigh and my loveing Brothers John Pincombe and Richarde
46    Pincombe to see this my last will p[er]formed in all things And I give unto every of them for theire
47    paynes to bee taken therein ten shillings apeece In witnes whereof I the aforesaid William Pincombe
48    to this my present last will & testament myne hand and Seale have sett geeven the daie and yere
49    first above written in the presence of those p[er]sons whose names are here underwritten William
50    Pincombe Chr. Rashleigh Jo[sep]h Hurwood John Bradford by mee Mary Oliver

This is Richard Pincombe's of Bishops Nympton older brother (my direct ancestor). Richard has been chosen as an overseer by his brother William probably because he is the next in order after the eldest brother John. Simon is in "Foreign Parts" as we learned in the will of their father William Pincombe in 1602. Richard was the fourth son. This line is completely separate from the Pincombe line that lived at Poughill; there is no crossover with respect to mentioning cousins, etc. At this generation they are already second cousins and if there were two marriages they are only half second cousins. Given the distance that separates them it is not surprising that they are no longer in communication on such vital issues as overseers, etc.

The next will to transcribe will be for Temperance the wife of William Pincombe whose will I have transcribed in this blog.

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