Friday, November 4, 2011

OGS Golden Anniversary Family History Collection - Administration for Henry Routledge - Carlisle Record Office - died 15 Dec 1764, probate 29 Dec 1764

Today, I completed the present edition of my Canadian family story and circulated it to my rather large family, my siblings (5 living), my nieces and nephews (many) and will wait to hear back. I want to submit by mid December with the printed copy. It managed to get to be 55 pages long but that includes four solid pages of pictures at the end (there are 25 images in the document and I was very restrictive I could have put in 100 easily. I also put in an ancestor chart back to my 14x great grandparents (it is somewhat sparse at the end) which is 18 pages long and it is just a basic chart by generation. Mostly I wrote about my Canadian family but that is only a small part of my family even going back just one generation as I have just the three Canadian born ancestors - my mother, her father and his mother. All the rest were emigrants from England and the parents of all of these three were either Canadian born or emigrants from England. I ended up being surprised at having so much to talk about but I added in some transcriptions and images of documents that I found when we were in London (Ontario) and Archives of Ontario in Toronto.

Whilst putting together the document I transcribed the will of my 3x great grandfather Henry Routledge so will add that to my transcriptions. Actually it was an administration with inventory and he died at the age of 44 years quite suddenly I rather think since just a few days earlier he was quite involved with a business deal. He was a farmer though and as I have learned sudden death was not an unusual happening in the 1840s and probably even more so in the 1760s.

This was one of the Border Reiver families and one of my most difficult lines. I have my 3x great grandparents who both have the surname Routledge, then three of their parents are Routledge surname and back another generation six of the eight are Routledge and it continues thus back. They are of the so-called Oakshaw Routledge family and they tended to marry cousins to keep the property intact.

The will makes interesting reading. When I read it about six years ago it didn't really mean much to me but now I can see that Henry was rather well to do in terms of the animals and feed that he had plus the property which was entailed - Borderrigg was a sizeable farm. He also held Antonstown and Parkhead which are all closeby.

His son Thomas (and the only surviving child of Henry) was a civil engineer although he also had farms while he was still in Cumberland. After he brought  his family of nine children to Canada he only farmed as far as I can tell.

Recorded: 3 Nov 2011
Source: Carlisle Record Office
Place: Bewcastle, Cumberland, England
Type of Record: Administration
Dated: 29 Dec 1764
Read: File Paper copy
Condition: photocopy, light, modern English writing
Type: three pages - Administration , Probate and Inventory

1 Carlisle Dec[embe]r 29th 1764
2 On which day appeared personally Margaret
3 Routledge Widow and alleged
4 that Henry Routledge late of Borderrigg
5 In the parish of Bewcastle and Diocese of
6 Carlisle Yeoman deceased died intestate without making
7 any Will (so far as she doth know or believe) That she is the
8 Widow and Relict of the said deceased
9 Therefore she prayed Letter of Admon of all and singular the
10 Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased to be committed
11 and granted to her the said Margaret Routledge
12 on her giving good and sufficient security in that behalf
13 The said Margaret Routledge was
14 sworn in due form of Law to
15 the truth of the premis[s]es and to faithfully
16 administer and to the truth of the
17 Inventory & so forth
18 Before me
19 Robert Wardale
20 Surrog[ate]
 [Page 2]
21 Know all Men by these Presents that WE Margaret
22 Routledge of Borderigg in the County of Cumberland Widow
23 Thomas Tweddle of Ringing hills in the s[ai]d County Yeo[man]
24 and William Armstrong of Askerton in the s[ai]d County Yeo[man]
25 are held and firmly bound unto the Right Reverend Father in GOD, Charles by Di-
26 vine Permission lord Bishop of Carlisle in Seven hundred pounds of
27 good and lawful money of Great Britain to be paid unto the said Lord Bishop or to
28 his certain Attorn[ey]s his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, to which Payment well and
29 truly to be made. WE oblige ourselves and each of US by herself & himself
30 for the whole our and each and every of our Heirs, Executors and Administrators firmly
31 by these Presents. Sealed with our seals dated the twenty ninth Day of
32 December in the fifth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE
33 the Third by the Grace of GOD of Great Britain France and Ireland, King Defender
34 of the Faith and so forth, and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred
35 and Sixty four.
36 The Condition of this Obligation is such that if the above bounden
37 Margaret Routledge Widow and Relict of Henry
38 Routledge late of Borderigg in the Parish of
39 Bewcastle and s[ai]d County Yeoman dec[ea]s[ed] intestate and
40 Administratix of all and singular the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased
41 do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods,
42 Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased, which have or shall come to the Hands, Possession,
43 or Knowledge of her the said Margaret Routledge or into
44 the Hands and Possession of any Person or Persons for her and the same so made do exhi-
45 bit or cause to be exhibited into the Registry of the Consistory Court of Carlisle on or before
46 the last Day of March next ensuing, and the same Goods, Chat-
47 tels and Credits and all other the Goods, Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased at the time
48 of his Death, which at any time after shall come to the Hands or Possession of the said
49 Margaret Routledge or into the Hands or Possession of any other
50 Person or Persons for her do well and truly administer according to Law and further do
51 make or cause to be made a true and just Account of h[er]  said Administration at or before
52 the last Day of September 1765 and all the rest and residue of the said Goods, Chat-
53 tels and Credits which shall be found remaining upon the said Administrators, Accompt, the
54 same being first examined and allowed of by the judge or judges, for the time being of the said
55 Court shall deliver and pay unto such Person or Persons respectively as the said judge or judges
56 by his or their Decree or Sentence, pursuant to the true Intent and Meaning of a late Act of
57 Parliament made in the two and twentieth and three and twentieth Years of the Reign of our
58 late Sovereign Lord King Charles the Second, intitled, An Act for the better Feeling of Intes-
59 Tate's Estates, shall limit and appoint, and if it shall hereafter appear that any last Will and Test-
60 ament was made by the said Deceased, and the Executor or Executors therein named do ex-
61 hibit the same into the said Court, making request to have it allowed and approved according-
62 ly if the said Margaret Routledge, above bounden being, being thereunto required
63 to render and deliver the said Letters of Administration, Approbation of such Testament being
64 first had and made in the said Court, then this Obligation to be void or else to remain in full Faith
65 and Virtue
66 Margaret Routledg [signed and sealed]
67 Sealed and delivered being first duly
68 Stamp'd in the Presence of
69 John Nicolson
70 Thomas Tweddle [signed and sealed]
71 William Armstrong [signed and sealed]
 [Page 3]
72 A true full and perfect Inventory of all and singular the
73 Goods Chattels and Credits of Henry Routledge
74 late of Borderigg in the parish of Bewcastle
75 and Diocese of Carlisle Yeoman deceased
76 Taken and appraized on the 19th day of December
77 1764 By Rob[er]t Lattimer and William Armstrong
78                                                                          £ s d
79 His Horse and Wearing Apparell                  10 0 0
80 More Horses                                                  21 0 0
81 Cows young Cattle and Bulls                      59 10 0
82 Highland Cows                                            49 0 0
83 Sheep                                                         100 0 0
84 In the Parlor Press Bed &c                            7 0 0
85 In the Kitchen Table Dresser Clock &c     10 10 0
86 In the Room up stairs                                   6 0 0
87 Oats Barley and Hay                                  20 0 0
77 a Hogg                                                         1 10 0
78 Implements of Husbandry                          2 10 1
79 Highland Bullocks                                     65 0 0
80                                                               £ 352 0 1
81 App[raise]d  Rob[er]t Latimer affirmed [signed]  
82 William Armstrong sworn [signed]  

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