Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bishops Nympton proofreading

Today, finally, I am back to proofreading Bishops Nympton parish registers. I have reached 1591 for marriages. There is still an enormous amount to read as I am only on page 10 of 876 pages of my word document. I shall try to do a couple of hours per day.

Unfortunately, I succumbed to a flu bug that my husband had first last week. It was a formidable one necessitating my resting for most of the time the last two days. I am on the mend now although we need to snowblow the laneway as mother nature dumped a fresh lot of snow on us whilst we were being ill. We managed to use up all of our milk and juice and most of our bread so must also go out and get some groceries now that we are both feeling somewhat improved. It will be a couple more days though before we are fit as a fiddle once again.

Interesting emails came in and I did manage to read and respond to them from my sick bed. Amazing what you can do in between bouts of tiredness!

More discussion of these "rare" yDNA results where matches are few and far between. I think my line is like that because most of them are still in England and there still isn't a large following of yDNA testers yet in England. The interest in deep ancestry though is starting to happen and so more will test out of curiosity.

It is nice to return to genealogy once again. I had not thought I would be able to for a while yet.

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