Friday, March 30, 2012

Humphrey Blake's American descendants

Yesterday I input all of the information that I gleaned from the South Carolina Genealogical Newsletter on the descendants of Humphrey Blake which included both the American and British descendants. It is fascinating that in general members of this family were born in England with one or more sons coming to the United States in their adulthood (some marrying in England and some in the United States) and then returning to England when their children were born. This tendency to return lessened by the mid 1800s with the Blake males who chose to live in America remaining here and marrying in the United States and their children being born in the United States.

I decided to look at the American census starting with the 1790s and working my way up to the 1930 (and soon 1940) to capture data on the Blake family of South Carolina. In general I am spending quite a bit of my research time on my Blake one name study; I will also work on my Pincombe one name study but I am at the point in that study where my yDNA project really needs to take off and I haven't been successful in recruiting people to test in that study. I hope to improve that with a newsletter.

This newsletter on the Blake family due 1 April 2012 (Issue 2) will mostly be on the Blake family of South Carolina. I would like to attract a descendant of this family to the yDNA study for the Blake family. Having a known descendant of any line of a family is extremely important in a yDNA study and even more so for a family that is as widespread as the Blake family. Once a member of the Somerset Blake family tests then we can look at the results and compare with the other known results and eventually we might be able to determine the Wiltshire Blake family found at Calne in the 1200s.

I shall write my blog over the day today as I check on the US census results beginning with 1790. Quickly I can see by the number of Blake families on the 1790 census that the article only centered on the eldest son/inheritor of the father's estates in England and America that returned to England. I shall now attempt to place these families. Since we are going back to a singleton son born in 1700 Joseph and Joseph and his wife Sarah Lindrey it is noted that this couple had three sons - Daniel with no issue, Robert who died as an infant and William who became Joseph's heir at law as the only son with surviving sons. William married Anne Izard and I am becoming quite fascinated with the Izard family as it might appear that this is a cousin (perhaps 2nd or 3rd) marriage. This couple had two sons Joseph and Daniel who themselves had a total of seven sons although not all of them survived infancy and several of them did not marry. But it might appear that these two sons were the progenitors of the Blake family in South Carolina with Joseph being born in 1769 and Daniel in 1775. The first thought is can I find them on the 1790 census or will I find their father William who died in 1803. Indeed I do find a William at St Bartholomes, Charleston, South Carolina. The article would appear to verify this is the William Blake who was elected to the Commons for St Bartholomews. He is by far the wealthiest Blake on the census roll for South and North Carolina. The question then comes to mind who are the rest of the Blake members on the census? First I will see if some of these entries are duplicated if that is possible to conclude that as there are 37 entries in total. If you read the label on the census it states for the Parish of St Andrews in Charleston: Schedule of the whole number of persons in the parish of St Andrew. Comparing Edward Blake of St Phillips and St Michaels in Charleston and Edwd Blake of St Andrew also in Charleston - the first entry shows 2  free white males over 16 and 3 white females and the second shows only 1 male over 16. A couple of questions come to mind - who is Edward Blake? is he counted twice in this census (and perhaps more than twice) because he owns properties in different parishes?

Wikipedia does answer that query in that the law required a visitation of every household. Now a days we would only count ourselves as being in one household even if we owned several and in looking at the 1790 census only the head of the household counted himself/herself at more than one residence. This does cut down on the 37 entries which also include the estate of several Blake members where a Blake is living near to or next to the estate. But I haven't answered the question of who is Edward Blake? How does he fit into the South Carolina Blake family? He isn't enormously wealthy like William but does hold substantial property. However, he can be eliminated as a direct line descendant of William Blake of South Carolina.

Looking next at the Blake family in Fairfield, South Carolina and includes Archelaus, Archibald, Fanny, and John. Again a check online reveals a marriage between William Blake and Phanuel "Fanny" Hornsby circa 1773. William Blake died 22 Jan 1781 and this information from the Hornsby/Stroud Family Bible at Winthrop University (Dacus Library, Rock Hill, York Co., South Carolina) according to the author: . The children of William and Fanny were Thomas Early Blake and John William Blake. The two older children died in Missouri and Alabama respectively with no known death place for the youngest John. This accounts for Fanny who would have been a widow in 1790 (William died in 1781) and is listed with two sons under 16 (Thomas Early was born in 1776 and John William was born in 1781) and two females (herself and her daughter born in 1775). The necessity is to find the parents of William Blake who was born circa 1740 according to the researcher. On the basis of this information he can now be eliminated as a possible descendant of the South Carolina Blake family. Another researcher ( has the father of Dr. John William Blake who married Leah Phamuel Ann Hornsby as Thomas Blake of Isle of Wight, Virginia. This family lived initially in Virginia and later in  or near Wake North Carolina. Possibly this author has an error in the date of birth for one of John William Blake's brothers James who was born in Wake and appears on the census in 1790 at Wake. Thomas Blake has parents William Blake and Mary Sessoms and they were married circa 1700 according to the author. William being also born in Isle of Wight, Virginia and his parents are listed as Thomas Blake and Alice Champion with Thomas being born in Isle of Wight, Virginia. Thomas' parents were listed as William Blake and Hannah Tolman with no location given. The father of this William is listed as Robert who was born in England in 1607 and died in 1657. He is said to be a brother of Humphrey Blake and a son of Humphrey Blake of Over Stowey Somerset. This will need to be investigated to determine the line that has a Robert and Humphrey son of Humphrey Blake and Elizabeth Durant. Further back this Humphrey is said to be a son of Humphrey Blake and Agnes James. This Humphrey then the son of John Blake (the elder) who married Johan (said by this author to be Rawson) and from there back to Humphrey Blake and the erroneous information of Somersby on this Blake family. I do not have any descendants of the Humphrey Blake and Agnes James line. John Blake the elder left his will


Will of JOHN BLAKE the Elder of Over Stowey:

To be buried in the chancel of Overstowey.

Twelve pence to the St. Andrew, church of Wells.

Ten shillings to the poor of Over Stowey.

Ten shillings to the poor of Nether Stowey.

Ten shillings to the poor of Spaxton.

To eldest son Humphrey Blake all tenements in Plainsfield which are in the tenure and occupation of Otywell Artur. Also my land in the parish of Aisholt in the tenure of Humphrey Luker. Also all the premises in free Socage of the manor of Estgrenwiche.

To son William Blake all my land in the parish of Bishops Lydeard in Bishops Wood and Bishops Downe. Also one tenement in Plainsfield in the tenure and occupation of Robert Jenkins and all my land in Padnoller in the parish of Spaxton in the tenure and occupation of John Burnell.

To son Richard Blake all my land in Wurstin in the parish of Burnham  late in the tenure and occupation Nicolas Sheperd and now in the tenure of one Smithes and of the widow Everett‘s children.

To Johan my wife and son Richard all my interest in the Rectorie or personage of Over Stowey.

To son Humphrey, four oxen, home furnishings and six silver spoons.

To daughter Alice Richards, ten shillings.

To daughter Ann Saunders, ten shillings.

To Isabel Selleck, ten shillings and ten shillings to her son.

To all my godchildren, twelve pence.

Residue to wife Johan.

Executors: Wife Johan and sons William and Richard.

Overseers: Mr. Thomas Mallett, Esq. Robert Blake and Robert Selleck.

Witnesses: Samuel Mercer, Robert Blockinge, Ottywell Artur, Richard Blake, Robert Black, Thomas Blake, Humphrey Blake, William Blake and Richard Blacke.

(Eldest child of Humphrey Blake of Over Stowey.)

source and original not seen by me:

I will attempt to discover evidence of the children of Humphrey Blake and Agnes James. This family is not as wealthy as the other Blake lines in South Carolina and they appear to live eventually in North Carolina before moving further west. The other brothers of John William Blake married to Fanny Hornsby were John Blake, Etheldred Blake, Samuel Blake, Benjamin Blake and Thomas Blake. All of these brothers would be old enough to have married and had sons by the 1790 census who may or may not appear on the census. I find a Thomas Blake at Montgomery North Carolina with Randle Blake just two lines above and a John Blake at Stokes, New Hanover and Rowan, North Carolina. A Dempsey Blake appears on the same page at Wake as James Blake. They both have young families (boys are all under 16). A later find is this website: which debunks the notion that the Thomas Blake at Isle of Wight Virginia was related to the Somerset Blake family. This author does not attempt to take the family further back from Thomas simply stating that Thomas was born about 1640 and that was determined by his will of 30 Jan 1707 (OS) a copy of which can be located apparently as it was proved 20 Dec 1709 Isle of Wight Co., Virginia (Will Book 2, page 501).Hence these Blake entries from the 1790 census will go under other.

At St James Santee in Charleston we have side by side John Blake, the estate of Richard Blake Senior and the estate of Richard Blake Junior. John appears to have all daughters and living at the estate of Richard Blake senior is a female head and at the estate of Richard Blake junior a lone male over 16. The Parish Registers for St James Santee show a Richard Blake, Planter buried 3 May 1783 at the age of 79. Also in the South Carolina Gazette Mr. John Blake of St James Santee married Miss Polly Jeanerette in 1784 ( Also from the St James Santee Parish Register the burial of Richard Blake, junior Planter 20 Feb 1774 but no age given. His likely father died at 79 in 1783 putting his birth at 1694. His son could have been born by 1730 or earlier putting his age over 40 at his burial. The wife of Richard Blake senior was buried 2 Jun 1772 (Anne). There are a number of Richard Blakes in the Humphrey Blake line but they have not been traced down thus far. Definitely I would put this family line into the likely descendants of Humphrey Blake at Overstowey.

There are two John Blakes at St Phillips and St Michaels in Charleston; one has a second male over 16 and the other has seven females besides himself. In general the direct line from William/Joseph Blake voted against involvement in the revolutionary movement but this John Blake and an Edward Blake also at St Philip and St Michael, Charleston voted yes. Earlier Edward was shown to be a descendant of the Massachusetts or New Hampshire Blake family. It is possible that one of these Johns is related to this same line. No idea on the second John Blake with a second male over 16. The John with seven females is definitely the one referred to as ratifying the revolutionary movement as he was somewhat wealthy with the other being less so. The website ( includes tax information for this Blake family.

A Mrs. Blake at St George, Charleston is also wealthy but does not need to be placed unless I can find the name of her husband. Originally part of St Andrews Parish and Edward Blake lived at St Andrews as well as St Phillips and St Michaels. Is she perhaps related to Edward Blake?

Census of 1790, South Carolina and North Carolina for the Blake family

Descendant of Benjamin Blake/Joseph Blake
William Blake      St Bartholomes, Charleston, South Carolina       

Descendant of Humphrey Blake at Overstowey
John Blake     St James Santee, Charleston, South Carolina

Mrs Blake     St Georges, Charleston, South Carolina       

Richd, Junr (Esta) Blake      St James Santee, Charleston, South Carolina       

Richd, Senr (Esta) Blake      St James Santee, Charleston, South Carolina       

Edward Blake     St Andrews, and St Phillips and St Michaels, Charleston, South Carolina       

Archelaus Blake     Fairfield, South Carolina             

Archibald Blake     Fairfield, South Carolina             

James Blake     Wake, North Carolina

Dempsey Blake     Wake, North Carolina   

Fanny Blake     Fairfield, South Carolina              

John Blake     Fairfield, South Carolina       

John Blake     St Phillips and St Michaels, Charleston, South Carolina   
John Blake     St Phillips and St Michaels, Charleston, South Carolina       

Baker Blake      Bertie, North Carolina       

B Wiggins Blake     Bertie, North Carolina        

Elizabeth Blake     Hertford, North Carolina              

Elizabeth Blake     Carteret, North Carolina             

Henry Blake     New Hanover, North Carolina             

Isham Blake     Orange, North Carolina               

Jacob Blake      Stokes, North Carolina             

John Blake      Stokes, North Carolina             

John Blake     New Hanover, North Carolina             

John Blake     Rowan, North Carolina       

Joshua Blake     Duplin, North Carolina             

Randle Blake     Montgomery, North Carolina             

Thomas Blake     Montgomery, North Carolina        

Edward Blake      Johnston, North Carolina        

The remaining Blake members on the census are all in North Carolina. I will place them all in other for the moment. Are they perhaps descendant of Thomas Blake of Isle of Wight and the story continues on this interesting line. There is a descendant chart at the Blake Museum in Bridgewater and the tracing down shown on this chart is purported to be (

Robert E. Blake of Quemberford, Wilts. a juror in an Inq. 22 Jan 1336
Richard Blaque, alias Blake of Wilts. m. Anne, daughter of William Cole
Henry Blake m. Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Edward Dorrant
  son and heir
William Blake m. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Power
  son and heir
Henry Blake m. Margaret, daughter and co-heir of William Bellett
  son and heir
Robert Blake of Quemberford, Calne, Wilts, m. Avice, widow of Roger,
     son and heir of Jno. Malwyn, of Urchfont, Co. Wilts.  Avice d. 29
     Oct 13 Edw IV.
Robert Blake, of Calne, Co. Wilts, heir of bro. John
John Blaque bur. Overstowey, 18 Aug 1558
Humphrey Blake of Overstowey, Som. bur. 28 Dec 1588, m. Anne
John Blake of Plainsfield, b. 1521, bur. 10 Dec 1576 m. Joan
     William Blake of Plainsfield, bur. 13 June 1642 m. Anne
          William Blake of Pitminster, bapt. 10 July 1594, d. bef. Jan
          1664 Dorchester, MA, m. Agnes Bond
Robert Blake, merchant of Bridgwater, Mayor of Bridgwater 1574, d. Oct
      1592, m. Margaret, daughter of Wm. Symonds of Taunton
     William Blake of Tuxwell b. 1561, d. after 1601
          William Blake, Capt/Commander of frigate Tresco, which was
          lost in 1651, off Jersey, Channel Is.
              Thomas Blake, on the frigate Centurion, 1656  [This
              Thomas disappeared from English records after this time.]
              [He is proposed as being the Thomas Blake of Isle of
              Wight Co., VA]
     Humphrey Blake of Bridgwater bapt. 26 May 1563, bur. 19 Nov 1625,
          m. Sarah, dau. of John Williams of Powlett, Som., 12 sons, 1
          #1 Sir Robert Blake, Admiral, General of the Sea for
             Cromwell, M. P. for Bridgwater 1640, bapt. 27 Sep 1598,
             bur. 4 Aug 1657
          #11 Benjamin Blake of Bridgwater bapt. 7 Nov 1614 Joseph
             Blake of Plainsfield bapt. 26 Apr 1663, d. bef. 7 Oct
             1700, Gov. of South Carolina

This is an interesting chart as I had not seen the entry for Robert E Blake of Quemberford, Wiltshire as a juror in an inquisition 22 Jan 1336 prior to this. The chart at Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office begins with Richard Blake/Blaque marrying Anne daughter of William Cole and this chart lists Richard as the son of Robert E Blake. This chart indicates that Robert Blake (son of Robert Blake and Avis Wallop) [known to be married to Margaret Inglefield] had a son John Blaque who was buried at Overstowey 18 Aug 1558. The only problem with this is that Robert and Margaret are only shown to have two children Roger who married Mary Baynard and Anne who married Robert Baynard on the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office chart. How to solve this mystery and I think once again a timeline is in order to determine if the dates can match up to the data. I shall eventually acquire a copy of this chart from the Blake Museum in Bridgewater. I have now taken advantage of their comment form on their website to submit an enquiry re the above mentioned chart. It is interesting to see that Humphrey Blake is listed as a son of a John Blaque. In yesterday's post I did postulate that John was a potential parent of Humphrey but the line of descent was considerably different following the chart of the Blake Pedigree located at the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office.


  1. I have been researching the Edward Blake family in Charleston, SC for most of my life. Edward was born c. 1722 and died in Charleston, SC in 1795. Before coming to Charleston he was a ship captain in Norfolk, Va.
    One possibility f his parentage is that he might be the son of another Edward Blake of New Castle, Delaware. That Edward was the son of one mre Edward Blake, who came to America in 1684, served in the Pennsylvania Assebly with William Penn. He was a Quaker. I hope some day to establish a connection.

  2. Dula, thank you for writing. I wonder if there is a male descendant of this Edward Blake who would test his yDNA line for the Blake study at FT DNA? Elizabeth Kipp

  3. By the way, the Edward Blake who moved to Charleston in 1764 was married to Jane Savage. His son (whose name is on the monument on the Battery) is John.
    I do not believe these Blake's came from Massachusetts. Family legend has it, though, that they are collateral descendants of the Admiral, perhaps through Humphrey's line.

  4. Edward Blake moved from Norfolk, Virginia, to Charleston in 1764 with his wife and children (including son John whose name is on the monument on the Battery). Edward owned a house in Charleston and a plantation called The Bluff.

    I do not think this family came from Massachusetts -- no connections there.

    Trying to convince male descendant...
