Thursday, April 19, 2012

Will of Robert Blake, Yeoman of Halse, National Archives PROB 11/180 Image Reference 543/493, probated 15 Jun 1639

Other places near Halse include 2 miles NE Bishops Lydeard and 2 miles WNW Fitzhead, Finding the parents of Robart Blake would be most interesting especially with his sons named Robert, Edmund, John and Richard. All four of these sons were born prior to 1640. Interesting to find everyone in the same place - Halse - Perry family and Blake family. Could there be two distinct Blake families in Halse?

As I continue transcribing the wills perhaps I will find a link. Robert mentions John Blake of Kingston as one of his Executors in Trust. The post of the Will of Thomas Blake of Wedmore, Somerset ( brings up the John Blake at Kingston as the eldest son of the testator of this will left land to his son Thomas at Kingston. He did have a son John but would he be the same John since this will was 1581 and now the time is the late 1630s. In this case following the land would be helpful. On the other hand I do not know how Thomas fits into the known Somerset Blake family but slowly linking people is helpful to that cause.

Robert identifies his mother as Edith Blake which I shall stow away in my memory (and this is my memory bank!) and that piece of information will no doubt be helpful in the future.

Looking at the Parish Records posted earlier perhaps this family continues at Halse with the records listed in the blog of the will of Agnis Blake (wife of this Robert):

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 18 Apr 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/180 Image Reference 543/493 (images by me)
Name of testator: Robert Blake, Yeoman
Place: Halse, Somerset, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 11 Dec 1638, probated 15 Jun 1639
Read: Electronic file
Condition: smudges, 17th century, light copy

[In margin] Tm  Roberti Blake

1    In the name of God Amen The elveanethe
2    daie of december Anno D[omi]ni 1638 And in the fourteenth yere of the Raigne of o[u]r
3    Sovereigne Lord Charles by the grace of God king of England etc I Robert
4    Blake of Halse in the County of Somersett Yeoman being in good health and of
5    perfect memorie (thankes be to Almightie God) doe ordeyne and make this my last
6    will and Testament in manner and forme followinge That is to say, First I give and
7    bequeath my soule unto Almightie God And my body to Christian buryall in sure and
8    certaine hope of Resurrec[t]ion to eternall life at the last day And that by the onely
9    meritts of the death and passion of Jesus Christ myne onely Saviour and Redeemer
10    Item I give and bequeath towards the Reedifyeing and new buildinge of St Paules
11    Church in the Citty of London five shillings Item I give and bequeath to the poore
12    of Halse Tenn shillings And to the poore people that shall es[c]orte unto my funerall
13    fortie shillings Item I give and bequeath unto my Wife Agnes Blake my best fetherbed
14    performed and my best Mantl (When the herrietts are chasen and gonne) tenne kyne and
15    Twenty sheepe Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Agnis one hundred
16    poundes includinge therein her Grandmother Edith Blakes quifts or Legacie
17    Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Grace One hundred and fortie poundes includinge
18    therein her Grandmother Edith Blakes guift or Legacie Item I give and bequeath
19    unto my daughter Jane the Lease of my chattle lyeing and being in the parish of
20    Wemdon Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Edith one hundred and fortie
21    pounds to be payd her out of my freeland and val[e] entyre ground scituate and being in
22    the parish of Halse But if any of my foresaide daughters shall happen to dye before
23    Shee come to the age of one and Twenty yeares Then my Will is that her por[t]ion soe dyeing
24    Shalbe equally devided among the Survivors of them Item I give and Bequeath unto my
25    sonne Richard five poundes To my sonne John five pounds To my sonne Edmond
26    five pounds And to all my Godchildren Twoe shillings apeece And I doe make and
27    constitute my sonne Robert Blake the whole and sole Executor of this my last will and
28    Testament when he shall come to a fully have accomplished the age of one and twenty
in margin    Edmund shall be myne Executor when he comes to the full age of one and twenty yeares, if he chance to dye before that time then my sonne
29    yeares But if hee shall chance to dye before that tyme Then my sonne ^ John shall be
30    myne Executor when he come to the full age of one and twenty yeres yf hee doe chance
31    to dye before that tyme Then my sonne Richard shall be my sole Executor when hee
32    comes to the same full age of one and twentie yeares And I doe make Executors in trust
33    untill my children come all severally to the age of one and Twenty yeres Thomas Gredy of
34    Samford Arundell yeoman Henry Davy of Durley yeoman John Blake of Kingston
35    yeoman Anthony Cale of Halse yeoman And for their paynes I doe give them
36    Twentie shillings apeece. The m[a]rke of Robert Blake Witnesses unto this Testament
37    William Moore Clerke Robert Moore William Colles
38    A Codicill annexed unto the within written Testam[en]t
39    Moreover I the within named Testator doe hereby Will and ordeyn That my
40    within named wife Agnes Blake shall have the use and occupa[t]ion of all  my household
41    stuffe and utensills within doores soe long as shee keeps herself my widdowe And
    [Page 2]
42    contynue dwellinge in my now dwelling house at Halse Provided allwayes
43    that shee her Executors or Administrators shall make the said utensills and householde
44    stuffe soe good unto myne Executors I left them unto her Item I doe give and
45    bequeath unto my foresaid wife Agnes All my corne in and aboute my house and in
46    ground Provided that for and in considera[t]ion of the same shee shall give or allowe
47    unto my children Richard Edith and Jane Blake sufficient meate drinke and
48    Apparell Accordinge to their degree forth or tyme of fouer yeeres ymediately
49    after my decease The m[a]rke of Robert Blake Wittnesses hereunto W[illia]m Moore
50    Clerke Rob[ert] Moore Will[ia]m Colles

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